Total posts: 94
17 Окт 2012 00:06

Need a help from the expert for the following issues:

  1. I'm trying to change articel author (user id) via front end/back end, when I choose select user it said "you are not allow to view this pages", I'm using user admin.

  1. What is this use for and how do I find the setting (in red)

  1. I have set to protect some field with subscription, and this is what we have for non subsc user, can we change it to a word like "Protected" with the links to subcription page.

  1. I have set filter in section to 'records of all section', so I can filter on root level, this works fine. but when I go to sub level and use the filter it show all articel from all level not only for a sub level.

For ex:

COMPANY at this level, filter working fine can show all articel - AGENT at this level, filter show all articel from COMPANY level, it

                    supposed to show only for AGENT level.


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 94
12 Дек 2012 00:53


My project is not started yet, If C8 only work on 3.0, then I will follow it. Any suggestion?


So, what best thing to do Sergey?, do I have to prepare the database based on C7 structure or wait for C8?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
12 Дек 2012 06:52

My project is not started yet,

Lucky guy!

Total posts: 13,748
12 Дек 2012 08:50

Wait Cobalt 8

Работает на Cobalt