Total posts: 94
15 Авг 2012 21:53

Hi Sergey,

Currently, I'm preparing my content records to be loaded into Cobalt using import method like the way I did with my category records, but I'm having difficulty in defining a Field_key value in js_res_record_values.

I believe the key was generated using some script.

Could you share me what is its logic?, I'm using VB access to prepare my content data template.

Could you help me with this one?

Thank you.


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
15 Авг 2012 23:55

The field key is the array key. For example if array returned by field to store in record_values was

array(0=>'test', 1=>'joomla');

There will be 2 records.

Basically it is not used. There are only few fields that uses it. Datatime and Geo. Geo add indexes like lat, lgn so later we can apply distant search. And date indexes are 0,1. But if it is date range then 0 is the start date and 1 is the end date. Also used only with filtering.

This is also important. If you do not want field to be a filter, you may not insert in to record_values at all. It used only as search index table.

Total posts: 94
16 Авг 2012 01:33

OK, Sergey

Thank you for the explanation.

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