Total posts: 94
13 Апр 2013 23:32


There are some custom label text that cannot be overridden by language file, like in template parameter, field parameter, etc.


On field parameter

On template file

I don't know how to make it to be able to work in Multi Language.

Can we set the custom label as mentioned above to use a language variable?, then I can add the translation in language file.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
14 Апр 2013 23:15

I think it is because of white-space. Try to set text like COB_SORT_BY and create overrides for that text.

Total posts: 94
15 Апр 2013 04:50

It didn't work Sergey, it was not overrides :(

It was just shown COB_SORT_BY like the way it is. I've tried to put bracket. [COB_SORT_BY], and it shown [COB_SORT_BY],

Then I tried to modified line 140 of default_menu_default.php file

get('tmpl_core.menu_ordering_label', 'Sort By'))?>

and change it to

get('tmpl_core.menu_ordering_label', 'SORT_BY'))?>

and add SORT_BY = "test" in language file

but it still show Sort By..

Total posts: 94
15 Апр 2013 05:07

Tried also to change the code to:

echo JText::_('SORT_BY')

and it show SORT_BY, looks like JText: in this template file was not working.

Total posts: 13,748
15 Апр 2013 05:51

Did you add overrides in Language manager of Joomla?

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