Total posts: 94
15 Март 2013 13:16


Question for some feature below:

  • Notification
  • Saler Sales
  • Buyer Order

Are those features are provided for monitoring individual user activity?

I've try to create some plan purchase as individual user, and then login as admin and check all those monitoring feature, but none of them gives a result. or maybe I missed some setting to enabling those feature?

Can we (as an admin) use those features to monitor overall sales, order and notification?

And what is Moderator Manager use for?

Other queries:

Can we adopt default_record_default.php template into section menu?,

In section menu, not all field show for each record.

The objective is, I would like to be able to print all records in full article layout with the use of filter feature and alphabetical order in section menu.

(This is for administrator purposes).


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
18 Март 2013 03:16

Can we (as an admin) use those features to monitor overall sales, order and notification?

Yes you can use it. You have to know that notifications are not an email alerts. It is simple marks that shows what new happened. Like here on AngelDesk. Email alerts are sent separately.

Also you cannot receive notification if you apply changes on your own article. Also you cannot receive notification if you are not subscribed to article. Or you cannot get notification of new sale if you are no author of the product.

Can we (as an admin) use those features to monitor overall sales, order and notification?

And what is Moderator Manager use for?

This access right allow moderator to create other moderators. Or to have access to moderator manager.

Can we (as an admin) use those features to monitor overall sales, order and notification?

And what is Moderator Manager use for?

In section menu, not all field show for each record.

Then you cannot access fileds in the article tis which are disabled for article list. You have to set Show Intro = Yes anyway. And then in custom template just exclude fields you do not want from the list. And in another template show all the fields.

I did not completely understand what you want as result but I think you can use article full view template in the list.

Total posts: 13,748
19 Март 2013 02:29

And I would also like to have print feature in full view template list. How do I enable this print feature?

You can place print button in the list which open the same url but with &tmpl=component added to url and in popup. You will get print view.

And I would also like to have print feature in full view template list. How do I enable this print feature?

view only for specific user (admin)

This is depends. you may completely render different template for admin and registered or just show/hide some fields. I think you need to create custom template.

20 Март 2013 23:44

Thank you Sergey,

I will try this approach.

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