steve1084 VIP
Total posts: 67
13 Янв 2013 07:39

Hi Serg,

I am wondering if you have any tools available for developers or suggestions.

I have a friend who is new to Joomla and cobalt and he is trying to make an extra option for Emerald Cross plans to limit the available plans once a particular plan has been subscribed to and then make non available plans invisible. Would be best if it was available as a plugin so he can then offer it for other users of emerald and still be compatible with future updates but he just needs a sample code or something of how this might be achieved.

He has already been able to make it work as a modification of main emerald code but this limits future updates.

Any ideas would be a help. :D



Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
13 Янв 2013 08:14

This sounds great. Unfortunately there is no event interface in Emerald. There is some events but those will not work for you.

Please ask that developer, and let him tell what he needs in emerald, so those features would work asp plugin and I'll add it.

steve1084 VIP
Total posts: 67
13 Янв 2013 10:42

OK thanks I will talk with him and see what he wants to do.

Steve :)

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