steve1084 VIP
Total posts: 67
27 Дек 2012 22:39

Hi Serg,

In Emerald and cobalt I have 3 categories with each category with free and paid services. How can I lock a person to just 1 emerald category choice once they choose the category they want to subscribe to? Can this be done during account creation i.e. they choose what category they want as part of initial account creation. I don't want people to be able to change their choice of category only switch between free and paid within their chosen category in Emerald




Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

steve1084 VIP
Total posts: 67
29 Дек 2012 06:09

Also How to make the free category account unlimited period ?


Steve :)

Total posts: 13,748
29 Дек 2012 08:23

Also How to make the free category account unlimited period ?

Just do not restrict it. If it is free do not force people to go through additional process of subscribing free subscription just to get access to what is free anyway. And also consider goole which will not subscribe to your free stuff. So better just to keep it open.

Also How to make the free category account unlimited period ?

Can this be done during account creation i.e.

This was long discussed for Membership. We do not have subscription during registration. Especially something when user cannot switch after once chosen.

The problem is this. Look if user whats to get access to other category he will get it any way. The only problem you will force him to create another account for that. But do you think he will love you for that? Why do you have to put this burdan on your customer. Much better to think how to make their live simpler.

Also How to make the free category account unlimited period ?

Can this be done during account creation i.e.

In Emerald and cobalt I have 3 categories with each category with free and paid services.

You say categories but later in explanation it sounds like Cobalt sections.

What 3 categories you have in Emerald?

In what section you have 3 categories of Cobalt?

Please explain Cobalt structure with more detail.

steve1084 VIP
Total posts: 67
29 Дек 2012 09:49

Hi Serge, I have three very different user groups. I don't care if its before during or after signup but each group needs to be segregated once a category is chosen and then all other category options hidden from them. Yes if they want to use different category then yes they need new account specific to that purpose but this would be very rear. And yes I also have the same Sections created in Cobalt to match with each of the Emerald Categories, there is no one free category suitable to use for all three groups. I am not asking them to purchase anything on signup I just need them to choose which category they want to belong to and fix that choice for there account, later if they want paid options then they can purchase the paid plan for that category.

Also how to make unlimited time period plan

Total posts: 13,748
29 Дек 2012 10:06

I see. In fact there are some settings and I believe you can set it up that after subscription you cannot subscribe other plans but I do not know how. It is some where in cross planing.

Also how to make unlimited time period plan

Just make it 100 years. It will turn to unlimited.

steve1084 VIP
Total posts: 67
29 Дек 2012 10:13

Hi Serge, I also noted that when creating Emerald categories it does not allow me to choose user group categories from the joomla ACL system only options are Public Registered Special. If I could choose a user group i created from the Joomla ACL then this would be easily fixed by using one of the ACL management tools for the account signup creation and then use emerald for the cobalt content. ???

steve1084 VIP
Total posts: 67
29 Дек 2012 10:15

Is there a manual for emerald ???

steve1084 VIP
Total posts: 67
29 Дек 2012 19:47

Hi Serg, Well I have played with all the settings in cross plans but cant seem to find the functionality I am looking for. It will only allow for unsubscribing other plans but does not stop or remove ability to re-access those plans. Maybe somebody knows how to do this.

Total posts: 13,748
30 Дек 2012 05:09

Hi Serge, I also noted that when creating Emerald categories it does not allow me to choose user group categories from the joomla ACL system only options are Public Registered Special. If I could choose a user group i created from the Joomla ACL then this would be easily fixed by using one of the ACL management tools for the account signup creation and then use emerald for the cobalt content. ???

It is Joomla category manager. And you cannot add restrictions to category anyway. you add restriction to plans.

Hi Serge, I also noted that when creating Emerald categories it does not allow me to choose user group categories from the joomla ACL system only options are Public Registered Special. If I could choose a user group i created from the Joomla ACL then this would be easily fixed by using one of the ACL management tools for the account signup creation and then use emerald for the cobalt content. ???

stop or remove ability to re-access those plans

To disallow same plan subscription you only set subscribe only once parameter in the plan. May be there is no settings to disallow subscribe plan B if plan A already subscribed.

steve1084 VIP
Total posts: 67
30 Дек 2012 08:53

To disallow same plan subscription you only set subscribe only once parameter in the plan. This creates many issues. I tried it like this and its behavior is problematic if they then choose another category with the disable subscription option for the alternative catagories ._.

steve1084 VIP
Total posts: 67
30 Дек 2012 08:56

May be there is no settings to disallow subscribe plan B if plan A already subscribed. Yes this would be what I require :D what are the chances of this happening soon for cobalt 7 :S

steve1084 VIP
Total posts: 67
30 Дек 2012 09:00

Hi Serg

How to limit the Post here button to the specific subscription so that if the person does not have the specified subscription the post here button is not available.



Total posts: 13,748
30 Дек 2012 09:44

How to limit the Post here button to the specific subscription so that if the person does not have the specified subscription the post here button is not available.

I the type parameters there is Emerald group of parameters. Select plans for submission protection.

How to limit the Post here button to the specific subscription so that if the person does not have the specified subscription the post here button is not available.

Yes this would be what I require what are the chances of this happening soon for cobalt 7

I do not think there is a chance. We do plan to update emerald for Joomla 3.0 and if we add anything that will be that version.

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