steve1084 VIP
Total posts: 67
13 Янв 2013 11:57

Hi Searg,

Where to go to find parameters to allow field descriptions more room in full view mode. Screen capture pdf included.



Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
13 Янв 2013 15:55

Assuming you are using the default template... and you are speaking of the "labels"...

A.) You might put the label on its own line by configuration.

See YourField -> General Parameters -> Field Label. This will result in an additional DIV. The field output will break onto the next line.

B.) Use CSS to change the width

The responsible CSS can be found in the respective file, around line#30:


Edit this file or add those lines into your joomla template file. By default the label has 150px width. Maybe increase it ...

.formelm label {

clear: none !important;

display: block;

float: left !important;

font-weight: bold;

**width: 150px !important;**

line-height: 20px;

margin-bottom: 10px !important;


C.) Alternatively, stay with the default width... and add the following property to keep the label text in 1 line.

white-space: nowrap;

This would effect ALL labels. If you want to change a particular label... you can also add your own custom class in the backend. Than just assign the property to this class only.

steve1084 VIP
Total posts: 67
14 Янв 2013 04:19

Hi Serg,

Tried the field label break on full view but didn't like the layout so went with modifying the css file. Maybe in the articles template you could provide an option to easily adjust the parameters. :)


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