steve1084 VIP
Total posts: 67
26 Авг 2012 20:12

Created section with user can creat 1 records for this section.

several things. This allows only 1 record for the entyre website which is strange so I am probably missing some setting somewhere. If I change to 0 then it becomes unlimmited number of submissions which is not what i want either. What am i not doing right.

Also if user delets there submission and then tries to re creat there submission it states "You have reached maximum number of allowed submissions 1"



Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 22
27 Авг 2012 00:32

If I change to 0 then it becomes unlimmited number of submissions which is not what i want either. What am i not doing right.

This means if in Cobalt a parameter is set to "0" then it becomes unlimited,i.e. user can submit records as many as he wants.

" How many records to this section user can submit" - this parameter is for whole section, i.e. if you set it to "3", when this section's number records reach to 3 then nobody will able to submit record.

If I change to 0 then it becomes unlimmited number of submissions which is not what i want either. What am i not doing right.

Also if user delets there submission and then tries to re creat there submission it states "You have reached maximum number of allowed submissions 1"

That means in your section number of records are more than 1.

steve1084 VIP
Total posts: 67
27 Авг 2012 01:15

I need it so each user can submit only 1 record each but also that they can delet there record and re do it. What settings do i need to implement?

Total posts: 13,748
27 Авг 2012 02:31

I have found the problem. The calculation of the records was wrong. I have fixed it in next release.

steve1084 VIP
Total posts: 67
27 Авг 2012 05:52

Hi Sergey,

Cool I found a bug :) Any idea on time frame for next release ^-^ ??



Total posts: 13,748
27 Авг 2012 07:32

We make releases weekly. Every Thursday. No matter what. You may be sure that at this day you det some updates.

Is it ok?

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