braza VIP
Total posts: 46
22 Май 2013 03:46

Is it possible to create the new Type that inherits all the fields from its parent?

Or is it possible to share the same fields among different Types so that I could simulate inheritance?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

braza VIP
Total posts: 46
22 Май 2013 03:50

In other words I`d like to be able to post in any category with specific fields for each of them but also including fields that are common for few of them as well.

Total posts: 13,748
22 Май 2013 06:00

Cobalt will automatically detect common field. Just make sure field type and labels are the same.

braza VIP
Total posts: 46
22 Май 2013 06:58

I`ve tried that.

  1. There was a type "advert-1"

  2. It had 3 fields: select - "field1". select - "field2", HTML - "description"

  3. I created new type "advert-2"

  4. I`ve added there new field select - "field1".

  5. Nothing special happened, settings were not picked up automatically. According to a post attempt they are distinct fields. field1 in advert-2 didn`t pick up all the possible values for select field.

Total posts: 13,748
22 Май 2013 07:06

Settings are not picked up. What it does it can filter by the single filter through different types. It can order/sort by this type of field through different types. And It can display this field in the same column in table list template.

braza VIP
Total posts: 46
22 Май 2013 08:05

Thanks, that`s clear now.

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