Anastasios VIP
Total posts: 3
09 Дек 2013 12:21

Hello and happy holidays to all.

This is my first post, so here goes...

Is it possible to populate the values of multiple level select fields from an SQL source (just like the "List Auto-complete" field type)?

Is it easy enough of a "patch" to include in the next release, or are we talking a major rewrite of the code?

Thank for your time


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
11 Дек 2013 05:08

Is it possible to populate the values of multiple level select fields from an SQL source

Multilevel select has it's own talbe. In fact its values are always from SQL source. And you can load this table with values.

If you want to have your own table, that is complicated. As it is values tree, number of thisngs are involved. It have to be nested set, right and left columns should be called lft and rgt, therr should be parent and lelvel fields. Another words your own table should be of the same structure and only difference is table name.

In this case you can simply load js_res_field_mulilevelselect table.

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