golfads VIP
Total posts: 216
16 Май 2014 22:22


I have searched the documentation area and also the forum but could not find any documentation about this, maybe I did not search properly too but I need some help on this.

I have created all necessary sections/categories/types for the English version, (you may see it live on, now, I need to duplicate/reproduce all sections/categories/types for the French version, recreating each type, section and category one by one will be very much time consuming and I have very short time to complete this website, so, I am wondering that, can I create pack from sections/types/categories that I have already created and then reinstall this pack and just translate the section, type, fields and categories contents? I do not want to have to recreate everything from scratch, fields, settings etc. so, the pack option seems to be my only quickest solution, so can anyone please guide me through this procedure or point me any available documentation for this please?

Последние изменения: 19 Май 2014

Total posts: 13,748
18 Май 2014 06:49

For the beginning please read this article

It is not always nesesary to create diferent sections. You may add articles on the different language to the same section and use section language mode parameter to show articles of only current language. And you can translate all names and labels with language override technique.

That would be even better. If you change something in parameters it will be applied to only one section.

But of course you can create pack and install it to the same Joomla which will create new section and types which are absolutely the same.

golfads VIP
Total posts: 216
18 Май 2014 08:40

Hi Sergey,

I definitely understand the multilanguage system of Cobalt and the concept of the language override technique, but, the issue is that, I have developed the website, but I will not be the only one to manage it, in fact, once development is completed, it will be managed by two other persons who are not used at all with website management and they do not understand a nut about these technical stuffs, I want to create a system that is very each to manage, they just click the add new button and insert their text and images, that's all, no need for them to go deeper into technical aspects of the website structure.

That is why I am trying to make it as simple as possible, although it is quite complicated at the development stage but it will be easy to manage after the development is completed, that is why I am sure that the pack system is the best solution for me right now.

golfads VIP
Total posts: 216
18 Май 2014 14:50

Anyway, I tried the pack system on my own and successfully duplicate one section, think I got it now and so far it works just as expected.

Total posts: 13,748
19 Май 2014 05:29

golfads they just click the add new button and insert their text and images, that's all, no need for them to go deeper into technical aspects of the website structure

The system I offer and you are maiking are absolutely the same for end administrator. They just swicth to needed language and add new article. That is all. It is only matter how it is configured. But anyway what you are doing has its own advantages. If finaly in one language you what something slightly different, you can easely do it without affecting other language section.

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