golfads VIP
Total posts: 216
01 Дек 2013 23:43


I have created a text field, called it 'Reference' and in Mask settings, I selected 'Code' with 'Yes' for 'Show mask in input'.

Now, I want each 'Reference' to be unique so that another user cannot add the same reference as an existing article, within the configuration, I cannot see any option to do this, is there any control how to do this please?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
02 Дек 2013 01:49

Added to next release.

golfads VIP
Total posts: 216
02 Дек 2013 07:17

Hi Sergey,

Thank you very much.

golfads VIP
Total posts: 216
08 Дек 2013 23:24

Hi Sergey,

Thanks for adding this feature in the last release, very helpful for what we are trying to do, however, there is one issue with it, see, when frontend users submit a new record, that is fine, they are requested to add a unique number, that is also fine, but, when the user edit the same record and save this record with the same number as added when creating the record, it won't saved, the system will say that there is already a record with this reference!

The system should check for the uniqueness of the code only for new record but not when editing an existing record, otherwise the frontend users will have to change their reference when editing the record and this won't be good.

Total posts: 13,748
10 Дек 2013 09:18

I see. Fixed in next release.

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