golfads VIP
Total posts: 216
08 Май 2013 04:27

Hi, we tried to use widgetkit from Yootheme to show featured items within Cobalt, note that we create and update the item manually in widgetkit, no connection exists between cobalt and widgetkit.

However, when we enable the widgetkit module on a cobalt page, we got a 404 error!!!

We are using latest version of cobalt 8 on Joomla 3.0.3.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

08 Май 2013 04:48

we create and update the item manually in widgetkit, no connection exists between cobalt and widgetkit.

and the module is working normally in other pages?

maybe is a script conflict, I think in widgetkit main configs there is a parameter to try to solve script conflicts...

Total posts: 13,748
08 Май 2013 05:43

404? That is weird :)

Try to enable debug mode and error reporting to max in global Joomla configuration and see what it shows. may be there will be some additional data.

golfads VIP
Total posts: 216
08 Май 2013 07:30

OK, will try to make some advance test and let you know soon.

golfads VIP
Total posts: 216
08 Май 2013 07:30

By the way, this happens only on Cobalt pages and not other pages.

golfads VIP
Total posts: 216
08 Май 2013 07:52

I enable debug mode and error reporting to max and got these as error on the 404 error page:

CobaltModelRecord->getItem() JROOT/components/com_cobalt/library/php/helpers/itemsstore.php:48

JError::raiseError() JROOT/components/com_cobalt/models/record.php:76

golfads VIP
Total posts: 216
08 Май 2013 08:07

The problem (conflict) is not directly related to Cobalt but a combination of Cobalt, Widgetkit and Komento, if we uninstall Komento, the error does no more exists! Let me try to contact Komento as well to see if they can correct this on their side.

Total posts: 13,748
08 Май 2013 08:11

I ned full stak of error. I need to know after what this error happens.

You do тещ need to write to komento it is obvious some Cobalt error.

Better give me access and I'll check it.

Total posts: 13,748
10 Май 2013 07:07

we are still working on it. You are not ignored. My apologize for delay.

golfads VIP
Total posts: 216
10 Май 2013 09:48

We have temporally uninstall widgetkit so that we can do our work, should we install it again so you can go through the errors please?

Total posts: 1,113
13 Май 2013 05:09

How do you show Cobalt items with this widgetkit?

golfads VIP
Total posts: 216
13 Май 2013 05:18

Actually, there is no possible connection between cobalt and widgetkit but we create each item manually in widgetkit and link it to cobalt item page. As an example, just see the 'Featured Golf Courses' module on our website home page, the 'Read More' will just be linked to the corresponding cobalt item page. We have chosen widgetkit since it is mobile friendly and has lots of features for content display.

golfads VIP
Total posts: 216
13 Май 2013 05:19

The only issue right now is that we cannot place a widgetkit module on a cobalt page as it caused a 404 error!

Total posts: 1,113
13 Май 2013 07:30

Read more button has link "" is this cobalt link? And how you create item link > link it to cobalt item page

Total posts: 1,113
13 Май 2013 07:45

I cant reproduce this issue on your site, I always redirect on subscribe page.

golfads VIP
Total posts: 216
13 Май 2013 09:16

The link ' ' is only for testing purposes, the reason that you were redirected to the subscribe page is that we are using Payplans and the system tend to redirect pages that cannot be found to the subscribe page, anyway, I have disable the payplan system plugin to remove the subscribe warning.

Now, I just enable the widgetkit module on a cobalt page, on this page and you will see that there is a 404 error and web page cannot be found.

The 404 error does not only occur on a cobalt record page but also on section/category pages, whenever there is a widgetkit module published on a cobalt page, there is such error, we have tried to publish/unpublish both many times with the same error, you can see the error live now on this link

Total posts: 1,113
13 Май 2013 23:44

I did some fix, can you try now?

Total posts: 1,113
14 Май 2013 00:26

If someone has this issue just replace this files


on attached.

golfads VIP
Total posts: 216
14 Май 2013 02:35

Hi Kudinov,

Thank you very much, you just save my life, seems everything is working fine for now, will just make some deeper tests and let you know but think everything is ok now, thanks again for the great support.

Работает на Cobalt