progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
02 Май 2019 16:18


I'm not sure what I have set up wrong, but we get consistent emails from PayPal about our IPN failing. Now we have payments that are backed up from 5 days ago that went through successfully in Paypal, but weren't updated on our website... not sure what's going on, but I need help troubleshooting. This is a live site :|

Последние изменения: 27 Май 2019

progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
08 Май 2019 15:11

thanks @Giogi625, but I already have it set up... been trying to figure out why "sometimes" it works just fine and other times I'm getting so many failed responses. That doesn't make sense to me so I'm figuring it might be something on my side... but have NO idea where to start with troubleshooting.

Total posts: 13,748
10 Май 2019 04:57
  1. Find failing IPN in IPN history of PP
  2. Manually insert that URL in browser incognito mode

If you have login page, then one of the links to Emrald is protected for registered users

Another reason may be spam protection. Somehow your server security software block requests from PayPal IPN. May be it is detected it as DDoS or something like this.

Tell me more. Some orders are going through and some not? Or all of them stoped working?

progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
13 Май 2019 16:11

That's correct... not all of them have stopped working - our history log is a mess :( I don't know enough to troubleshoot this. (see image)

progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
13 Май 2019 16:17

I get a 500 error when I paste a failed url into the url address bar.

progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
14 Май 2019 22:09

@Sergey, any ideas on what I need to fix for this problem? My host sent back this response re: spam protection or security settings...

"Paypal IPN send POST data to specific link on site accessing port 80 or 443, there is no block in your server firewall access to these port as this is normal http access."

I need to figure out what's going wrong here because this is a live site.

progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
16 Май 2019 16:05

@Sergey, can you at least point me in the right direction of where to look for the problem? It's obviously something wrong on my end because otherwise others would be having this same problem. BUT, I don't know where to look, or if I hire someone to assist me, I don't know what to suggest to them... it's been two weeks and our subscriptions on the site are still failing. I need to get this fixed.

progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
16 Май 2019 23:58

Received this from the host:

"...Yes i can confirm IPN failure is script/product based issue as paypal is getting 500 response from script(not server based 500 error), this mean script is responding invalid POST data to paypal for that IPN as script do not recognize that data.

This need to be checked by developer for the product/order as why callback URL is giving 500 for that specific order."

Anyone else on here have any similar previous experience since I can't seem to get a response about this?

progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
25 Май 2019 15:04

wow, I got left completely hanging on this one. I could be wrong, but seems to me that support for a subscription component that involves failing IPN's is kind of a big issue for a client. Don't worry about replying to this thread, it's been over three weeks and I was forced to switch over to Membership Pro - should have done that 5 issues ago... I LOVE IT. I've been with this component since before it was even called Emerald... was so tied to it and although there are some great features, there were conflicts that were probably a little beyond my ability to address- and without adequate support for the product, I just can't do it anymore... sorry.

Total posts: 13,748
27 Май 2019 13:13

I am sorry.

In Joomla 500 means other than server 500 error. That is confusing but Joomla choose this number for they unknown errors.

It should not only show number but error message. That message might be very different. Ig you do not have one, turn error reporting to maximmum and temporary activate debug mode. иге make debug plugin only access by supperuser, so that othr users do not see that information. Then you will see the error message and homefully full error stack.

Then reach out me by email at serg4172 @ abd I'll respond here.

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