progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
20 Май 2018 03:53

I'm trying to figure out how I can divid a 3 month subscription into TWO payments. Here's an example:

  1. The user selects a 3 month plan for, say $300
  2. I would like one payment of $150 charged immediately
  3. The second payment would happen x-days later (maybe 1 month)
  4. This way, the 3 month plan would be paid off in two months.

Is there something I'm missing to do this? Thank you!

Последние изменения: 28 Май 2018

progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
22 Май 2018 17:06

@sergey or @pepperstreet - can someone help me with this please? I need to figure out a solution to this. Thanks

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
23 Май 2018 02:54

Sorry, I can't imagine a workflow to split the payment. My first thought were TWO plans, the second is hidden... might work to sum up the total time period, but that would still not trigger a second payment, right? Just thinking loud...

@Sergey Any idea?

Total posts: 13,748
23 Май 2018 11:47

You cannot split plan by 1.5 month. But if you have 4 month plan, you can create plan with recurring payment and restrict it to happen only 2 times. PayPal is ideal gateway for that. Note that recurring is supported on the level of payment gateway not Emerald core. So not every gateway can do that only few.

When you use PayPal you can even change first payment and second payment amounts.

progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
23 Май 2018 20:04

Thanks for the reply...

pepperstreet My first thought were TWO plans, the second is hidden...> pepperstreet

I thought of setting up this way: 1) Visible plan would be set to Length: 1 Month, Amount: 150.00, Recurrence (PayPal): 1 (so immediate payment + 1 additional) 2) Grant a hidden plan that would carry the restrictions AND set to 3 Months

I haven't tested this, but in theory it would work, just as you suggested @pepperstreet... ONLY ISSUE: the visible plan would expire 1 month sooner than the actual paid plan (which should be 3 months)- so it will be confusing to the member.

Sergey You cannot split plan by 1.5 month. But if you have 4 month plan, you can create plan with recurring payment and restrict it to happen only 2 times. PayPal is ideal gateway for that. Note that recurring is supported on the level of payment gateway not Emerald core. So not every gateway can do that only few.

When you use PayPal you can even change first payment and second payment amounts.

@sergey - I don't need to split the payments by 1.5 months. I need to set up a 3 Month plan, but have the total amount of that plan paid in two payments (first payment immediately, second payment at the start of month 2). Reason for this is because we will have some clients that need to make two smaller payments instead of one large one...

@sergey, in your suggestion (with a 4 month plan)... can you elaborate please?

progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
25 Май 2018 06:27


Total posts: 13,748
28 Май 2018 14:41

Your first idea with visible plan and background plan is not very good. It will confise customer. And why? You can create recurring plan, Emerald will automatically create new subscription periodically. Why do not you cary restriction in visible plan? Why separate plan for rectrictions?

progressionsp @sergey - I don't need to split the payments by 1.5 months. I need to set up a 3 Month plan, but have the total amount of that plan paid in two payments

The whay Emerald calculates periods is fixed. It can chunck by hour, day, month, yнуфкюthat is all. If you whant 3 month subscription in 2 paiments it is simply impossible. It is even impossible on the PayPal side. Technicaly impossible.

SO if you have 3 month plan, you can go with 3 payments. Or may be 2 payments but 45 days each payment. It will be 45 days plan subscription. In desciption you can state that it will charge only twice.

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