progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
16 Сен 2016 20:00

I am having a problem that I seem to have isolated, but am not sure. If a new user purchases a subscription, their account is set up in the backend, and they receive their confirmation email. When they click on the verification link, they get the error: Registration failed: Verification code not found. Although, their account is verified?! (but my joomla is set to Administrator Approval)

I seem to have found a situation where the process isn't broken (which is why I'm posting here- because it appears to have something to do with the payment integration)...

When it works: - new user enters email and clicks PayPal button - If they click the verification code BEFORE approving the payment in PayPal, it seems to work fine- their account is verified and admin receives the approval email- and after we click on that link the account is approved

When it doesn't work: - new user enters email and clicks the paypal button - User confirms payment in paypal - User clicks the Verify link and they get the error.

Not sure where to begin to troubleshoot this problem!? Pleas Help!

Последние изменения: 21 Сен 2016

progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
18 Сен 2016 01:14

I have tested multiple times and this is definitely what is happening- If a new user verifies their account (through the link sent in the email) BEFORE finalizing the Payment through Paypal

Example: 1) The new user enters their email address and clicks the button to "Paypal" 2) They are taken to the Paypal login page- logs in, but DOESN'T click to Pay... instead, clicks the "verify account" link that was sent in the email 3) The account is verified and an Admin email is received 4) Admin approves the account and the new user receives the confirmation email that their account has been approved ...this all works as planned (with Administrator approval set in Joomla)

BUT... if, in step 2 they click to "Pay", then click the link in the verify account email: 1) They receive the error that verification code has not been found 2) Their account is self-approved!?!? Even though it is set to Administrator approval!

Confused on this one... I am using the most current versions of Emerald AND PayPal plugin.

Please help! this membership site was set to go live soon.

progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
19 Сен 2016 20:13

haven't received a response so I spent all night on this- thought I'd post here in case anyone makes the same careless mistake as I was!

The problem turned out to be that the setting in Emerald>Settings> Automatically activate account upon successful payment was set to Yes... AND Joomla>Users>Options>approval set to Administrator (so the process isn't allowed to complete if the payment went through successfully because the account was already approved) this is why when the user clicked the verify link in the email, they would get the error.

Total posts: 13,748
21 Сен 2016 12:32

I see. I am sorry that I did not response earlier. Emerald wants to make live easier. So it can even approve user upon success payment. BEcause if you have money already, does it really matters to wait to confirm email?

So there might be some hidden user activation manipulations. Especialy with that setting you've mentioned.

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