progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
29 Март 2016 22:28

Is the MailChimp Action able to assign/update a subscriber's MailChimp Group when a subscription is purchased? RSForm has a MailChimp integration that works well- it's not perfect (the values in the form MUST match the group exactly), but it works. Anyone know how I can do this? rsform-mailchimp

Последние изменения: 12 Июнь 2016

Total posts: 13,748
30 Март 2016 11:44

There is a special action like this.


Not only it will add user to maillist it can delete user from mail list after subscription expire or move to another list.

progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
06 Апр 2016 01:29

There isn't an option for that... I want to add a user (in a given list) to a specific group as in the RSForm integration above. So, within a list, there are different groups so that email campaigns can be sent to certain groups and not always the entire list. It's tedious to create a whole separate list for common subscribers- an example of a group would be "interests" or a product purchased, etc...

Total posts: 13,748
06 Апр 2016 13:35

First you have to insert API key and then click Get List button and then you will ge a list of mailchimp lists. We can get it only through Mailchimp API and to use API we need API key. So eneable API in your account, generate a key and use it here.

progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
07 Апр 2016 19:10

Yes, I understand how to select a List- my question was about assigning to a specific MailChimp Group... a group is a segmentation of a list in MailChimp. i.e.; List name= LIST1, LIST1-Groups(prospect, customer, vip)

Total posts: 13,748
13 Апр 2016 08:28

I am reaging API docs for Mailchip. Lists have grouppings abd grouppings have groups? Do I understand right?

progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
14 Апр 2016 18:34

Yes that's correct! emerald-mailchimpGroups1



Total posts: 13,748
19 Апр 2016 07:28
  • And what is the max fold lelvel for grouppings?
  • You can add subscribers only to grouppings which grouppings?

progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
20 Апр 2016 02:13

Sergey * And what is the max fold lelvel for grouppings? * You can add subscribers only to grouppings which grouppings?

Not really clear on what you mean? If you're asking "how many grouppings are you allowed to add", I don't know if there's a limit, but most wouldn't have a need to have endless numbers of grouppings... Even if you added the option to map 4-5 different grouppings, I would assume that would be plenty. The way RSForm integrates it is that you map to a groupping to a field in the form (and the values in the form must match exactly to the groups)

Total posts: 13,748
22 Апр 2016 16:30

I mean how deep you can go? Can you create groupping of the grouppings of the groupiings of the grouppings of the group? Or it is only 2 levels?

When you add subscriber to grouppings you can add to 1 level which is groupping of the group or only to grouppings of the grouppings?

progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
24 Апр 2016 14:19

Just one level of: Groups and their Grouppings (but can have multiple Groups

LIST > Groups (unlimited) > Grouppings of a group

progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
08 Июнь 2016 20:24

has this been completed?

Total posts: 13,748
12 Июнь 2016 10:43

Not yet. My apologies. I had been very busy recently. I'll try to acomplish this nearest future.

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