dlbass93 VIP
Total posts: 44
30 Июль 2014 18:13

Hey Guys,

Earlier today, our Cobalt pages in both the frontend and backend are completely white. Everything else on the site seems to be ok. Nothing was changed as far as I know. I was able to install the latest version without errors, but the blank page issue still exists. As far as I can tell, there are no error messages created.


If I uninstall Cobalt in order to reinstall, will my tables and files be dropped? Is there a better way to solve this?

Thanks, Derrick

Последние изменения: 07 Авг 2014

Total posts: 13,748
31 Июль 2014 12:00

Enable debug mode and error reporting to maximum in global Joomla configuration to see what is the error.

Total posts: 55
31 Июль 2014 21:16

Tried that, no error was reported.

If uninstall and reinstall, will tables be dropped?

If so, can we use phpmyadmin to export, then import to preserve environment?

Total posts: 13,748
01 Авг 2014 09:26

dlbass93 If I uninstall Cobalt in order to reinstall, will my tables and files be dropped? Is there a better way to solve this?

Yes, you will lose everything.

Uninstall will not change anuthing. Update or instal is absolutely the same process.

You have to make errors visible. This is right way to find error. If you cannot do that, you have to have acces to error log. Try to track error there.

dlbass93 VIP
Total posts: 44
01 Авг 2014 12:58

Hey Sergey,

What log do I need to look in, and where is it?

Total posts: 55
01 Авг 2014 19:21

Sergey, Derrick and I are working together on this problem.

I set debugging on:


And set it to the max


I opened the error log at Public_Html/logs.


and looked at the last entry.


Then selected the menu link for Registry (Cobalt app) and saw this (over the whole page, no error messages at the bottom.


And then looked at the error log and it had not changed. It's like Joomla lost the link to Cobalt. BTW, this happened when I was in a field edit screen and selcting a custom default. I left it for awhile and when I came back I had to log in again. After the login, no more Cobalt.

Here are some MS Explorer debugging screens. Frontend.....


and Backend..... Capture12.JPG

Total posts: 55
02 Авг 2014 19:38

Well, I'm making a little progress.

I installed Cobalt on a development site with Joomla, and then copied the populated Cobalt SQL files 'jos-res.....' from the broken site to the development site and created a menu to the broken Section.

I can now access Cobalt back end, and if I change the menu links to one of other defined Sections, it works. So there's something wrong with the link to the Registry site. I changed the alias, but no success.

MS Explorer Developee Tools Console gives me this message:

HTML1300: Navigation occurred. File: index.php

HTML1524: Invalid HTML5 DOCTYPE. Consider using the interoperable form "". File: index.php, Line: 1, Column: 1

Total posts: 13,748
03 Авг 2014 03:09

This is all usefull but again, no error, no solution.

What is Joomla System Information say about show errors?

PLease give me access including access to file system, I''ll see what I can do.

Total posts: 13,748
04 Авг 2014 03:48

You have to make this parameter ON


In PHP Info

Total posts: 55
04 Авг 2014 07:15

OK, Here's the error....

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. document.getElementById('cloakffe662be086e706b89438e13bf443964').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addyffe662be086e706b89438e13bf443964 = 'webmaster' + '@'; addyffe662be086e706b89438e13bf443964 = addyffe662be086e706b89438e13bf443964 + '928registry' + '.' + '928oc' + '.' + 'org'; var addy_textffe662be086e706b89438e13bf443964 = 'webmaster' + '@' + '928registry' + '.' + '928oc' + '.' + 'org';document.getElementById('cloakffe662be086e706b89438e13bf443964').innerHTML += ''+addy_textffe662be086e706b89438e13bf443964+''; and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Total posts: 13,748
04 Авг 2014 10:48

It is still Off for me and I cannot see the message. What does debug log say about this?

Total posts: 55
04 Авг 2014 15:28

OK, I figured out how to add it to my php.ini file. Here are my current debug and error settings.



Thanks, Sergey

Total posts: 55
05 Авг 2014 00:56

Sergey, I find that any menu item that links to a single article also displays a blank page. No error messages, nothing. In the backend, it's only Cobalt that displays the blank page.

On my test site, where I loaded a fresh copy of Cobalt and it's saved databased from the problem site, I am able to access the Cobalt back end, including the Section from the problem site, but not the Cobalt front end.

Total posts: 13,748
05 Авг 2014 05:37

There are still no errors. I do not know how to soleve this if I do not know what is the problem. There should be error фен least in php error log.

Total posts: 13,748
06 Авг 2014 10:42

Those should not be a reason for any error. Did you check php error log? You sure it is empty? Apache error log?

Total posts: 55
06 Авг 2014 20:34

Sergey, I created a log file in php.ini, ran phpinfo, and got a time zone warning. Then I edited the code to generate an error and got the time zone warning and the error. Then I tried to access the broken link. No additional errors.

If the Apache Log is the one called "Error Log" under "Logs" in the Control Panel, then it is also empty.

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
07 Авг 2014 00:24

Hi billvv,

are the articles on your homepage standard Joomla articles? They also produce white pages, correct? If so, it might not be Cobalt related.

I see you use a RocketTheme template. Have you tried switching to Joomla's default template Protostar and turning all RT modules and plugins off?

You might want to read this

Total posts: 55
07 Авг 2014 15:50

Hi Sergey,

I applied the info from this link to the Registry site and my Test Site. (Just Cobalt and Fabrik, Protostar Template, and Cobalt database exported from Registry and imported to the Test Site via PhpMyAdmin.) I was able to see an error on the Test Site, but that was because I did not have the 'Address/Map' file from Cobalt loaded and the Registry looks for it.

It did tell me that adding the info from the link enabled me to trap errors on the Test Site, but it does not trap any errors on the Test Site.

You might want to read this

I'll continue to try and figure out how to trap the errors on the Registry site.

Total posts: 55
07 Авг 2014 17:35

Sergey, I just now disabled my plugin, Vinpreload, and everything came back!

Not sure what's wrong with the Plugin. I think the sequence went like this:

  • Was trying to get fields to save and you updated Cobalt to solve - This was on July 21st.

    • We updated Cobalt on July 30th.
    • That same day...
      • I tested it and it worked, then started to work on hiding the fields in the input form.
      • I stepped away from the computer for an hour or so and I got logged out of the backend due to a timeout -.
      • When I logged back on, the Registry was gone and I started this thread.
    • Today, I disabled the plugin and the everything came back.
    • I've tested the plugin a little, and if I leave it blank everything works.
    • I'll continue to test and see what happens. I will post my results here.

    Is it possible that the update caused the issue, and it didn't present itself until I was logged out?

    Thank you for all of your help with this.

Total posts: 13,748
07 Авг 2014 23:57

billvv Is it possible that the update caused the issue, and it didn't present itself until I was logged out?

I canot think of anything that could behave like this, but yes, I think it is possible.

Работает на Cobalt