matcorrao VIP
Total posts: 83
03 Окт 2012 00:01

Hi guys,

I'm having problems with the pagination. After going to second page, it's not possible to go back using the Prev nor the pager links.

Can you please check?

Site Listing:

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Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
03 Окт 2012 09:46

It is working for me. May be I do something wrong? I clicked 2 and then prev.

matcorrao VIP
Total posts: 83
03 Окт 2012 16:56

Hi Sergey,

I forgot to mention that the issue occurs when logged in.

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I've also found that the pagination limit and start is affecting another Cobal listing:

Section 1 - Projects:

Limit = 7

Section 2 - Clients:

Limit = 15

If you go to any of these sections and then to the another, the second one uses the pagination settings (start and limit) from the previous section.


1) Go to Section 1

2) Go to Page 2 in Section 1

3) Go to Section 2: Now you'll get direct into page number 2 with a limit of 7 records per page (settings from Section 1)

Please notice that this is happening when logged in.



Total posts: 13,748
04 Окт 2012 02:43

I've also found that the pagination limit and start is affecting another Cobal listing:

Pagination limit is global in Joomla. If you change in Cobalt it will even affect core articles and vice versa.

I made some changes to pagination this version. Let's see if it fix the error If not we will make deeper investigation.

matcorrao VIP
Total posts: 83
04 Окт 2012 14:41

Pagination limit is global in Joomla. If you change in Cobalt it will even affect core articles and vice versa.

Hi Sergey,

Thanks for this. Regarding the pagination limit, I don't see how it's useful then to set a pagination limit in each template. I think it's cool to have this kind of flexibility for different listings. I'm referring to the Pagination Limit set in Cobalt templates, not in Joomla, I'm saying that the pagination limit for Cobalt template used in Project section affects the Client section, which is using another Cobalt template.

I'll test this tomorrow, thank you!


matcorrao VIP
Total posts: 83
17 Окт 2012 17:58

Hi Sergey,

Yesterday I could finally apply latest Cobalt release, but problem remains. Please remember that you have to log in to reproduce this issue.

Can you kindly take a look at this issue?



Total posts: 13,748
18 Окт 2012 04:15

There was some changes in Markup template along the way. I think this is the reason. Because if I user default markup although it looks ugly it shows pagination and only 7 per page.

To be true I already do not remember what was the changes. Can you quickly look through?

matcorrao VIP
Total posts: 83
19 Окт 2012 19:37

Hi Sergey,

Thanks for that. I compared both markup template (default against custom) to make changes and everything works OK.

However, I still see that the limit of the "Clients" section affects the "Our Work" section limit. Please do that (you don't have to log in to recreate):

1) Go to "Our Work" section (it has a limit of 7).

2) Go to "Clients" section (it has a limit of 20).

3) Go back to "Our Work" and pagination is missing (that's because the limit of 7 is lost).

You've already told me that limit is global for Joomla, but then I don't see why there's a limit param in each template. I tested this on Resource and the limit is independent for each section, I think that's a good thing to happen.

My suggestion is that you keep the same criteria for Cobalt list templates. Please let me know if you will do this so I don't have to force limit per section in my custom templates.

My two cents, hope you don't mind.



Total posts: 13,748
20 Окт 2012 22:28

Actualy that is what i did for last update. I added limit support for individual templats. I do not kneo why it is not working. I'll check monday.

matcorrao VIP
Total posts: 83
21 Окт 2012 21:10

Hi Sergey,

You don't need to, I've found an error in my template, sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks a lot,


matcorrao VIP
Total posts: 83
03 Нояб 2012 15:05

Hi Sergey,

I'm sorry to be back again with this issue. I had to add a category and the "Our Work" menu (the one which had troubles) was changed to point to this specific category inside a section.

But the problem is once again that I cannot navigate through list pages with SEF turned on.

This happens both for Public and auth users. You can check using the following link:

Try to go to page 2 and you will see that you'll stay on page 1.

As I was saying, I tested without SEF and worked flawlessly. It looked as if the start and limitstart variable are being ignored on preparing the SEF URL.

Sorry, thanks for your help!


Total posts: 13,748
04 Нояб 2012 02:52

This is because itemid. Please create normal URL in menu. Then in the section set this menu in parameters.

matcorrao VIP
Total posts: 83
04 Нояб 2012 14:29

Hi Sergey,

That's how it was done. Menu item has no Itemid and the same is set on the category folder (not even the section).

This is menu link: index.php?option=com_cobalt&view=records&section_id=1:projects&cat_id=3:visible-projects



Total posts: 13,748
04 Нояб 2012 20:31

You do not see Item id in menu element URL field. It is attached when UR is created. In the section, you have to set this menu element in parameters.

matcorrao VIP
Total posts: 83
05 Нояб 2012 17:46

Hi Sergey,

I wondered if you read my last comment :(

I'm saying this because Itemid was already set in Section parameters. I also tried setting Itemid on the child category (now is set as inherited), but error remains.

As I was saying, Itemid IS NOT set through menu link (ndex.php?option=com_cobalt&view=records§ion_id=1:projects&cat_id=3:visible-projects), itemid is set on the Section parameters.

This is how it was configured and how it's set right now. Error still remains.

Thanks for your help.


Total posts: 13,748
05 Нояб 2012 21:48

I have a question. Why it links to category Visible projects but not to section root? If you wnat to hide projects just use hide option or unpublish.

You have external URL and Itemid is excluded from it. It have to be internal URL.

matcorrao VIP
Total posts: 83
06 Нояб 2012 18:02

Hi Sergey,

The client wants to provide a link to a hidden listing (hidden in the way that it's not accessible through the site navigation) of projects where they will add specific information to participate in some tenders.

So I need a link to specific category, or should I create a sepparate section for each of them? I still don't get why the pagination does not work on a category link. The link was created according to the suggestion specified in the menu item ("To create link to category please read the article How to create link to category").

If pagination does not work on Category link, I believe this should be enhanced (best of intentions man, it's my suggestion, then it's up to you). I've read in another thread that you have some difficulties making category links from menu more friendlier, but one or another, we end having some kind of troubles.

So, what do you suggest? To create two different sections? I don't mind how it's solved, but I need this to work this way (listing accessible for people that has the link, not through the site navigation).

Thank you,


Total posts: 13,748
06 Нояб 2012 22:23

I still don't get why the pagination does not work on a category link

Because oа Itemid consistency in Cobalt. It automatically redirect if itemid does not match.

What I can suggest is:

  1. Create new menu and call it hidden since you will not show it to public

  2. Add link there to whole section.

  3. Set this menu element as itemid target in section and type parameters.

  4. Temporary publish menu and open the link

  5. Copy URL of the category you need

  6. Use this url to for Our Work menu item

  7. Unpublish hidden menu.

Работает на Cobalt