Total posts: 12
10 Дек 2017 23:17

Hello dear Sergey!

Just an idea. You could make a plugin using which people could pay for their membership by bitcoins. I think webmasters would actively purchase this plugin with you.

Have a nice day!

Последние изменения: 22 Июль 2018

Total posts: 13,748
16 Апр 2018 13:45

I could if I have a real request. I mean your request is real but only an idea. If someone really need this plugin, I could consider.

Total posts: 12
21 Июль 2018 19:54

Hi Sergey! Sorry for being so late. Thank you for your reply. In my view, to make a Bitcoin addon for Emerald isn't a big problem to a Joomla extensions developer like you. As far as I remember, there is Payage component (with its Bitcoin addon) that has a well-documented API and so is an ideal payment platform for any other Joomla component. This is an excellent opportunity for you to just adapt Payage Bitcoin component to Emerald, and that's it. I wish you every success.

Total posts: 12
21 Июль 2018 20:06

...As for my own request, well, of course, it's real, especially given that I showed above the way how you could create the Bitcoin addon for Emerald nearly in no time... :)

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