Total posts: 21
22 Март 2015 02:21

Is something like this possible? I would want to have a Record module that can filter all records of which a certain field contains the username of the logged in user.

Последние изменения: 07 Апр 2015

Total posts: 13,748
30 Март 2015 08:48

You have Field value comparison field. There is Contain option. But for what you want Field Value have to beable accept dynamic variables.

Tell me more. Which user name you want to use currently logged in or author of the article?

But I added new feature you can place [USERNAME] into field value of records module and it will insert username of current user.

Total posts: 21
30 Март 2015 11:21

I have a text field which stores a username (manually entered - because the author of the Record is someone else). So I would like to show all Records where that text field is equal to the name of the currently logged in user :)

That's like a feature: "Show all Records allocated to LOGGED-IN-USER".

But this feature is more like a nice-to-have, nothing urgent.

Total posts: 13,748
07 Апр 2015 11:37

OK. The feature I added will do it.

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