Michel_ VIP
Total posts: 61
21 Авг 2012 02:15

I already use Cobalt.

And I'd like to use Emerald. A I know Cobalt quality, I have no doubt about Emerald product.

But I cannot see in the description if Emerald can do what I want.

What I need ?

With Cobalt, the user can submit a new record containing a few fields.

Without Emerald :

Non registered user : can submit a record (for example: address, geolocalisation, 1 photo)

Registered user : can submit a record with more fields (for example: above + 10 photos gallery)

With Emerald ??? :

Paid (registered) user (basic fee) : can submit a record with more more fieds (for example: above, but 30 photos gallery)

Advanced paid (registered) user (expansive fee) : can submit a record with more more more fieds (for example: above, but 50 photos gallery and video)

When I look at Cobalt you have parameters (Integration Emerald) for types and records. So I think I can do this (but probably with different galeries ?)

So, with the same type, I can have different encoding views (non registered, registered, paid). Is it true ?

Is it possible to have different encoding views for paid users (basic fee, expansive fee) ?

Is it possible to restrict paid user access to specific records (for example, the user has ("owns") three records, one registered, one paid basic fee, last one paid expansive fee) ?

And the user can upgrade and pay annual subscriptions for the different records ?

And see his subscription status, something like :

  • Record1 : no subscription

  • Record2 : basic subscription from 01/04/2012 till 31/03/2013

  • Record3 : expansive subscription from 01/08/2012 till 31/07/2013

Последние изменения: 21 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
21 Авг 2012 19:47

It can do but not exactly.

It can hide fields for one users and show for others. If you noticed there is Emerald integration slider in field parameters. So you can manage every field individually.

But here is how it works.

User have subscription 1. He see 20 fields, User have subscription 2 he sees 30 fields. it means that user have created кускв with subscription 1 and 20 fields. Then he updated his subscription and now he can edit record and add fields which was not accessible.

To me it make even more sense. Because usually if you want more fields you want advance your existing records. If you cannot, the you just create the same record but with more fields. And it may produce some low quality content.

What Emerald + Cobalt cannot do is to purchase subscriptions per record.

But what it can do, when subscription expires, article stop showing those extra fields to other users.

Michel_ VIP
Total posts: 61
27 Сен 2012 15:59

As I understand, it is possible to do what I want, except for subscriptions limited to only one record (The user can add as many records he wants with his subscription).

Is it possible to create a lot of different subscriptions (and with a small code change) limited to only one record ?

Total posts: 13,748
27 Сен 2012 19:46

As I understand, it is possible to do what I want, except for subscriptions limited to only one record (The user can add as many records he wants with his subscription).

You can limit records on the level of cobalt. In submission params there is parameters to limit max number of articles in the section.

As I understand, it is possible to do what I want, except for subscriptions limited to only one record (The user can add as many records he wants with his subscription).

Is it possible to create a lot of different subscriptions (and with a small code change) limited to only one record ?

Limited one record to see, to add?

Michel_ VIP
Total posts: 61
28 Сен 2012 02:17

Sergey, thanks for your quick reply and brainstorm.

  1. Perhaps it's the solution : create a new subcategory used only for this purpose (create one and only one record in this subcatgory). This record can be seen in upper level categories.

So, it's possible, with Cobalt and Emerald, to have a subscription plan to submit ONLY to THIS subcategory (limited to one record) ?

  1. Record to add.

In my website, people can see all records, all fields. But some publishers pay to add record(s) (paid for each 'enhanced' record) with more fields.

Total posts: 13,748
30 Сен 2012 06:48

In my website, people can see all records, all fields. But some publishers pay to add record(s) (paid for each 'enhanced' record) with more fields.

this is the same type but show more fields or you have separate type for that?

In my website, people can see all records, all fields. But some publishers pay to add record(s) (paid for each 'enhanced' record) with more fields.

So, it's possible, with Cobalt and Emerald, to have a subscription plan to submit ONLY to THIS subcategory (limited to one record) ?

The limitation by the category is only controlled by category and content type parameters. If you want to restrict by category use those.

But if you want to allow only one article per subscription, then just use count limit. Limit subscription by 1 and activate count limit in content type subscription restriction settings.

Michel_ VIP
Total posts: 61
02 Нояб 2012 16:39

I purchase your component, but I think the easiest way to integrate what I want is to add a new field (record_id) in __jcs_user_subscr table. It's easy to add and populate this new field.

And now I want to filter according to the subscription AND this new field.

Can you tell me which file I can modify to add this new filter ?

Thanks for your help.

Total posts: 13,748
04 Нояб 2012 02:59

This is not clear to me.

What you put to that field when user subscribe? It the moment of the subscription how do you know record_id?

And why you need filters?

Michel_ VIP
Total posts: 61
04 Нояб 2012 05:58

As explain above, some users may purchase a subscription to publish more fields.

For example, you have a restaurant. You can add a record (free) with classic information.

But you can also purchase an annual subscription to add (and edit during the subscription period) a record with more fields, for example a field with menu, another one with gallery photos, another one for video.

Of course, this annual subscription is only valid for ONE record.

With Cobalt, I can add fields and link these fields with the Emerald subscription (restrict add - restrict edit). So suscribers can add and edit the record according to the subscription periode.

That's what I need. Except the subscriber can add (and edit his own records) as many records he wants. I want to limit this to ONLY ONE record.

What I'd like to do (except if you have a better solution and most ot the times you have :)) :

When the user subscribe, nothing change (except the new record_id field with 0 by default).

The subscriber can know add a new record. He has acces to the subscription linked fields.

But when the user save the record, I can easily fill the record_id field. (I already populate other components tables this way)

In standard Cobalt-Emerald, you test the user subscription to give or not access to the subscription linked field. I just want to add a new condition to test if the record id is the same that the record id stored in my __jcs_user_subscr table. If it is the same, this is the subscribed record, so user has access to these fields.

It's only a new condition to add, so I think it will be easy to modify you code.

But what I want to know is which file (or files because I need the same function in Add record and Edit record modes) I have to modify to add this new condition.

Thanks for your help.

Total posts: 13,748
04 Нояб 2012 07:34

That's what I need. Except the subscriber can add (and edit his own records) as many records he wants. I want to limit this to ONLY ONE record.

There is submission parameter in the section which wil allow to submit only one record to section.

That's what I need. Except the subscriber can add (and edit his own records) as many records he wants. I want to limit this to ONLY ONE record.

But what I want to know is which file (or files because I need the same function in Add record and Edit record modes) I have to modify to add this new condition.

HIGHLY NOT RECOMMENDED but if you want to know there in postSaveHook() method in com_cobalt/controllers/form.php

Michel_ VIP
Total posts: 61
04 Нояб 2012 08:12
  1. So the user can submit only one record in the section.

But it can not be enough. Example, Europe directory with a Paris section. The user own a bar and a restaurant. So he wants to add 2 records in Paris section. Impossible with this solution.

  1. postSaveHook() is used to store the record fields.

What I need is the file in which you test the field access condition and if no access display the following message 'You can add this field if you have following subscription(s)'

Total posts: 13,748
04 Нояб 2012 08:23

What I need is the file in which you test the field access condition and if no access display the following message 'You can add this field if you have following subscription(s)'

This is in views/form/view.html.php in _prepareFields method

Michel_ VIP
Total posts: 61
04 Нояб 2012 11:21

Thanks again, Sergey. OK.

In fact, I added the condition in allowField function (which is called by _prepareFields method).

Total posts: 13,748
04 Нояб 2012 20:30

Does that do what you need?

20 Март 2014 13:37

Hi, We are using Cobalt7 and Emerald8 Components of MintJoomla for Joomla 2.5 instead of Mighty Resourecs and Mighty Memebership Component used for Joomla .15 version. Here I have attached the screenshots of both versions admin setup for subscription plans.. In Mighty Membership, there is an option under restriction tab for restricting the Mighty Resources Categories. But this option is not present in Emerald for restricting Cobalt Categories. How can we restrict the cobalt categories through Emerald. Help Us....



Total posts: 13,748
21 Март 2014 08:54

I am sure I have already unswered this question even with some screenshots.

Cobalt/Emearld are different. You do not restrict in the plan, you restrict in type parameters.

Работает на Cobalt