cherosoullis VIP
Total posts: 165
04 Сен 2014 15:26

I want to implement something in a project I would like to know if this is possible and if yes how.


I am trying to spead up the form in form situation here and I would like to have a tab (I know how to do that) that will have four rows of two text boxes in each row.

Each Textbox 1 in first row is related to Textbox 2 in first row.

Of course if the user does not fill up the forms then the will not be shown in record.

The tricky part now is that I want one filter that will filter records according to their value in textbox 2 only. (is it possible to have one filter for multible textboxes in the same record? in this case only textbox 2)

Can I implement this idea?


P.S. I know that one idea for cobalt 9 is to have a form in a form. Please consider in case of this implementation the filter issue on this because one filter will search multible fields.

Последние изменения: 05 Сен 2014

Total posts: 13,748
05 Сен 2014 09:33

If label of those fields will be the same, then yes, it wil search in all of them at the same time. At least it should.

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