cherosoullis VIP
Total posts: 165
22 Нояб 2013 15:15

I am an accountant and just thinking of a project which involve record keeping with bank, expenses, incomes etc using Cobalt. Of course this will be a custom made project and that is why I am not using existing accounting software.

I would like to create a site where users will be able to login and keep track of their personal expenses and incomes. I though that cobalt with some modifications could accomplish this task.

My questions are:

1)I believe that with cobalt you can have private records so that no-one can see. (is it also possible to give view access to some users without giving them moderator access)?

2) My thinking was to create (lets say bank account etc) using sections as accounts and types to submit transactions. I will use parent and child field to connect lets say expenses with the Bank and income with Bank(does this sounds logical?)

3) Is it possible to have an option field where user will be able to select and determine time interval which with a cron job the forms data will be regenerate? (this is for setting up standing orders for recurring expenses)

4) I will use status field to determine if an expenses is paid and if yes the with selection field I will determine if the payment was done with cash or from the bank. An sql query will perform the necessary transaction to modify the balances.

5) I know there is an option to unpurplish records in a number of days. Is it possible to do this but instead of unpurplish, to archive the records?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
24 Нояб 2013 00:10

1 you can give some users access by attaching them to custom Joomla user group.

  1. Sounds logical but my comments in general at the end.

  2. Three is no solution out of the box. But of course it may be custom developed on the level of the field.

  3. I do not think so. Archive is not working at all.

In general I am not sure about Cobalt for this task. I mean I always happy to see he Cobalt is used but this idea will require some customization. Once I was planning to create windows application like this. I also used around 10 different apps as on windows as on mobile. I read few home accountant books. I deeply investigated this subject. What I can say that even if you are able to start with Cobalt quick, you will spend equal amount for custom development as for standalone app at the end.

Your customers will ask you to add more and more features and you will have to go deeper and deeper into customizations.

For example

Different account types

Different currency support with conversion rate on the day of transaction

As you had mentioned recurring payments

Multiple profiles. It is like different sets of accounts. For example one for business one for home.

Support for mobile apps to be able to add transactions from phone or tablet.

Another words if you want to play with cobalt you can do that But if you want to setup profitable service, you have to create service. It have to be cloud service and you can create website, phone apps or PC apps to manage that service.

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