cherosoullis VIP
Total posts: 165
03 Нояб 2013 19:09

Is there any way to implement a Private Messaging without using email field?

Thanks in advance

Последние изменения: 16 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
04 Нояб 2013 08:04
  • UddeIM (separate free PMS extension, see template integration info here)
  • Comments Cobalt Core (AFAIK, they can be private between Author and Commenter)

cherosoullis VIP
Total posts: 165
04 Нояб 2013 15:11

You are right Comments Cobalt Core has has the option for private comments although it has to be selected.

Making a testing on this I have selected that author of article can see private comments, article author has notification about a comment but he cannot see the comment.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
04 Нояб 2013 16:24

Comments Cobalt Core has has the option for private comments although it has to be selected.

I see. Maybe a good option and feature request to make it a "default". I mean, in addition to mark it private on each new comment.

Comments Cobalt Core has has the option for private comments although it has to be selected.

author has notification about a comment but he cannot see the comment

Yes, exactly what I had in my mind. Your settings look good, IMHO. I would expect to see the comment. (might be a bug? I have not tested it myself, yet)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
06 Нояб 2013 19:05

Comments Cobalt Core has has the option for private comments although it has to be selected.

Created an idea/request topic over here...

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
16 Март 2014 21:02

EDIT: Modified outdated AngelDesk link to correct Cobalt Forum topic ;-)

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