cherosoullis VIP
Total posts: 165
12 Авг 2013 17:36

I tried to use packer for once in order to test it. So I packed the section and types without content and tried to reload in another domain.

Result was that subcategories were both shown as subcategories and as separate categories.

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to see what I mean.

Am I doing anything wrong?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
13 Авг 2013 01:03

Probably you are doing everything right but there is some error during installation. Right now i cannot see what you mean because I do not know what categories are meant to be a subcategories. It all looks ok to me.

Another error may be because of Category IDs. What I mean that when you import, you import categories with new IDs and packer also have to replace parent_id column with new category ID. It may happen that when you import category, this ID is not yet imported. Simply try to install pack once more.

But you have to be sure that you pack id with demo content parameter ON.

Total posts: 13,748
13 Авг 2013 01:10

I made it so in next cobalt version, packer will pack without this collision.

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