cherosoullis VIP
Total posts: 165
29 Июль 2013 06:43

I think it would be a good idea to have a section in your website where users can add their cases in order for other people to be able to see cobalt capabilities in action and what amazing websites they can built.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
29 Июль 2013 09:06

True, but the problem here is that many users don't want that other users know what tool they used to develop a website, although this is not very dificult to find out.

Mintjoomla would have only to gain with such section.

But to motivate users to insert showcases i would suggest to award a prize (ex: allow specific field download, subscription for 1 month, etc) to the best Cobalt implementation per each 3 months for example.

Total posts: 13,748
29 Июль 2013 13:29

There is already even link in community menu.

Right now we are working on new mintjomla J3 site and we will add that section there.

Работает на Cobalt