cherosoullis VIP
Total posts: 165
01 Июль 2013 15:17

I have create a project with fields and later on I decided to reorder it.

When I use filter for multiple fields, the it orders them according to their id which I cannot change.

Is there any way to change the ordering of the fielder or should I recreate the fields in order to put them in the correct order?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
02 Июль 2013 09:16

I believe this is is fixed in latest rel;ease. Filters are selected in order you.

cherosoullis VIP
Total posts: 165
02 Июль 2013 13:30

I used the latest release but the sorting is still according to the field id and not to my custom order :(

Total posts: 13,748
03 Июль 2013 06:23

That is strange. Let me check online.

cherosoullis VIP
Total posts: 165
03 Июль 2013 13:36

Скрытый текст

If you go to buy category also the number of beds where it shows the records number, it includes the unpublished once also.


cherosoullis VIP
Total posts: 165
03 Июль 2013 13:39

Can you also explain me how to export records because I am trying and I cannot manage it. I don't know what I am doing wrong.

Total posts: 13,748
05 Июль 2013 09:03

What do you mean export? To what format?

cherosoullis VIP
Total posts: 165
06 Июль 2013 16:07

whatever format. Just explain me one and I can do it with the rest since it's the same way

Total posts: 13,748
08 Июль 2013 01:12

Fields column of js_res_record table contain fields. Select all record then cycle it and json_decode that field and use field ID as key to get field values.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
08 Июль 2013 01:37

Can you also explain me how to export records because I am trying and I cannot manage it. I don't know what I am doing wrong.

You can use the Cobalt Formatters to export records. Please see here:

Another way would be to create a SQL query for it.

You can find an example in this topic here

Total posts: 13,748
08 Июль 2013 03:49

You can find an example in this topic here

I was looking for this topic. But hopeless :) Good you had found it.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
08 Июль 2013 12:53

how to export records

Not sure if the infos are still valid, but here are two more links with COMMENTS about SQL queries for export:

C7 - Advanced Records field - Custom SQL query

C7 - Export Table Data

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