cherosoullis VIP
Total posts: 165
13 Май 2013 13:06

I have used your gallery field which I think is great.

I am trying to use this field in one of my application but it seems that it missing the default image in case the field is empty.

The reason I am telling you this is that I want my users to post their data and if they have images then they can create a gallery. If no image exist then a default image could be there.

At the moment in order to accomplish that is to have an image field where users can upload a picture if they have one and if they want more images then they have to go to the gallery field to upload them. This is a bit uncomfortable since with one field only you can either upload multible images, one image or no image. As I can see your template supports this layout so it would be better to implement.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
14 Май 2013 01:58

You can make gallery field required to ensure at list single image is uploaded and increase your site visitors satisfaction.

Default image is difficult. It does not suite properly. I mean it make sense in the article list with list-single output field template. In other templates it may not fit properly.

I think you can easily add default mage just in list-single output template manually.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
14 Май 2013 07:42

increase your site visitors satisfaction.

;-) to increase customer satisfaction, i would suggest to add a default image in future releases. ;-)

09 Фев 2014 10:00

Hi Sergey,

I need this functionality. Currently the template does not look good with out a photo on one record versus record with pictures. This functionality should be definitely a must.

it wont take much time for Sergey to implement this, but on the other hands it is a big task for person like me.

Total posts: 126
09 Фев 2014 15:34

I also need this feature..

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
09 Фев 2014 16:12

Default image is difficult...


I think, i have already asked this in another topic... what is the field value (default content) of a gallery field? In other words, what do we have to check for? What is the difference between an "empty" gallery, and one with image(s) ?

Total posts: 13,748
10 Фев 2014 00:16

field value is an array of images. Just make var_dump in template and you will see.

15 Фев 2014 07:07

I think you can easily add default mage just in list-single output template manually. I think you can easily add default mage just in list-single output template manually.

but if no image has been uploaded in gallery field then the field will not be displaied in the template (I am talking about defaul ttemplate, not customized template) no matter if I modified the output gallery fiedl template?

or am I wrong?

if I am wrong, then a suggestion of the necessary code to edit the output template would be appreciated.

thank you!

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
16 Фев 2014 15:06

**FYI - Remote placeholder tools **

My personal favorites:

Some blog articles with misc links & tools

Heads-Up: Some celeb/actor related tools do not randomize the images. Same size means same image.

Total posts: 13,748
16 Фев 2014 23:53

lorempixel is nice!

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