cherosoullis VIP
Total posts: 165
27 Апр 2013 04:53

Firstly I wanted to tell you that I believe your extension is great.

I had some ideas witch "I think" your extension is missing and I would like to share them with you.


It would be more effective if you had more options on payment and what I mean by that is:

  1. Add a shopping cart for purchases.

  2. An option where people you submit data had to pay either for submission, either to pay for using some options.

(The user will be able to make it's entry "feature" and by making this selection, then he has to pay a predefined amount), by selecting some categories the also he must make some payment, or by allowing him to use google map to add his business.

  1. Ability on customers who make payment to share payment on two paypal accounts ( ) in this way the owner of the site and the seller both will be benefit.

  2. I have notice that shipping is not defined. Adding shipping cost according to locations will be also very handy.

Except this I notice a discussion on calculation fields and this is my idea on this issue:

  1. One label field which will have the option to make complicated calculation (like excel) from textboxes and will not store those data.

  2. One text box that will also make complicated calculations (like excel) and store those data in the records.

Other options will be:

  1. Google Drive Spreadsheets integration

  2. Dropbox integration

  3. ACYmail integration

  4. Export PDF, CSV and XML and Import CSV and XML (also from an earlier discusion.

  5. Conditional fields

  6. Calendar for making bookings based on availability (Maybe this can be performed my timeline, but with different timeline every day and the timeline will be time based)

  7. Since you have all option available for fields e.t.c why not extenting the option in order form someone to make an accounting application. All is missing is calculation fields (monthly and yearly). Also a reporting module.

Excuse me if I am missing any of this options from your extension.

I am not expecting to make those changes and integrations since I am not a developer and I am not sure if all those are possible but sure will make it excellent and boost your popularity.

Am I asking too much? :D

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
28 Апр 2013 05:56

ACYmail integration

what i can tell is plugin for ACYBA will be here in 2 weeks :D

Total posts: 13,748
28 Апр 2013 05:58

Am I asking too much?

Not at all.

Thank you for all brave and smart ideas. I think they are all great. Especially PP adaptive payment. I did not know anything about that. But now it looks like may replace balance system because it can transfer commission off vendor sale immediately yo site owner. Looks very good.

Am I asking too much?

Except this I notice a discussion on calculation fields and this is my idea on this issue:

  1. One label field which will have the option to make complicated calculation (like excel) from textboxes and will not store those data.

  2. One text box that will also make complicated calculations (like excel) and store those data in the records.

This I did not understand.

cherosoullis VIP
Total posts: 165
28 Апр 2013 13:43

Forget about label. It will complicated the system. What I thing is easier is to have a calculation text box which will perform at least basic calculations on fields eg. x, /, *, -, +, %. From this text box you can choose which fields you want to calculate and what calculation to perform.

cherosoullis VIP
Total posts: 165
11 Май 2013 04:53

Is it possible to implement PP adaptive payment for paypal soon because I need it in order to create an application.?

Total posts: 13,748
12 Май 2013 00:01

Unfortunately it is not one day task and right now we are very busy with other things. :( But if you are willing to sponsor this feature I can find someone to add this feature asap. :)

cherosoullis VIP
Total posts: 165
12 Май 2013 13:29

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