crown777 VIP
Total posts: 198
30 Янв 2013 16:13

При инсталяции пакета интеграции с фалангом выдает:

JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find Joomla XML setup file

Последние изменения: 20 Март 2014

Xtream VIP
Total posts: 129
31 Янв 2013 04:14

инсталлировать нужно через сам компонент Falang

Admin >> Components >> Falang >> Content elements >> Install (верхний правый угол)

crown777 VIP
Total posts: 198
31 Янв 2013 15:25

ок. спасибо

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
16 Март 2014 23:36

Can be closed/solved.
Maybe add official answer how to install FaLang Cobalt content elements.

Total posts: 13,748
17 Март 2014 05:59

Since you monitor tis forum anyway, I have added you ability to change status. Also you can edit topics and add official answer.

So, I'll give you a privilege to finilize this topic :)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
17 Март 2014 13:21

Sergey Since you monitor tis forum anyway, I have added you ability to change status. Also you can edit topics and add official answer. So, I'll give you a privilege to finilize this topic :)

Did I send you my hourly rate? ;-)

(seriously, thanks for the privilege and putting such confidence in me. Have to sort out language handling myself, not to mention the topics I do follow. Those red bubbles seem to get more and more...)

Total posts: 13,748
18 Март 2014 03:07

pepperstreet Those red bubbles seem to get more and more

And looks like I know who is multiplying them :))

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