Total posts: 1
22 Март 2014 16:26

Good morning. Exploring Cobalt as potential tool for our site. Looking at implementing a solution where up to N Joomla Users are "child" of one Account. The Account type contains field common to its User children, e.g. address, account number, expiry, etc... Think of it as having some related Users sharing some common profile fields, yet having control over fields specific to them. If a related User updates the Account house address for example, that update is refelcted in the other related User profile. However, updating a cell phone number would remain within a User's own profile.

From what I can see, there does not appear to be tight integration with Users types in Cobalt. Perhaps I'm missing something?

Thanks in advance.


Последние изменения: 23 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
23 Март 2014 01:58

groym From what I can see, there does not appear to be tight integration with Users types in Cobalt. Perhaps I'm missing something?

Actually, Cobalt does neither work with, nor extends Joomla core user profiles/types. In general, user data and fields are managed by the extension that handles your registration and user profiles: Most likely one of the well-known community scripts like CB / JomSocial / EasySocial, or smaller solutions like Easy-Profile.

In regards of the mentioned scripts, the connection or integration between users is done by integration plugins. In most cases, it will show Cobalt articles in the respective community extension... on their profile pages.

Nonetheless, Cobalt itself has a sort of user's homepage that lists all articles by this particular user. This page can also have a certain title and description.

BTW, you might use Cobalt articles itself to create an extended "profile". This "profile" is actually an article and may consist of any Cobalt fields, which are really powerful. Not to mention the "Relation" field for Parent/Child relations. Maybe this is a possible solution for your application...

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