switchblade1984 VIP
Total posts: 132
08 Март 2012 21:01

Is this just left out in the Preview version?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Official Answer

Righte now there is no article edit, add In Backend. I mean there is but it opens frontend page any way. We thought wouldbe difficult to support the same functionality on both sides.

And I write in official answer because that is how it will be. We do not plan to change it.

ngarasan VIP
Total posts: 181
09 Март 2012 03:39


From Back-end, I try to click article (which mean edit it) and a lightbox is showing but there is nothing there. It says: No Permission to Edit.

Wow, I am the admin but has no permission?

ngarasan VIP
Total posts: 181
09 Март 2012 09:33

Ok.. I get it!

I need to logged in on frontend. Thanks

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
09 Март 2012 19:47

WTH... are you serious? Sorry for the harsh words, but that can´t be the final behavior! No client, manager or admin will understand this "feature". Except you would allow add/edit for admins automaticly!

By the way, doesn´t J!25 handle backend logins in a new way? You can´t be logged in with different user in the same browser... A backend admin is also treated as admin in frontend... automaticly?! or something like that. Sorry, I am not sure where I read about it, but I try to find the info... stay tuned...

andiamine VIP
Total posts: 295
23 Март 2012 06:31

hi, u must add this buttons in backend plzz

27 Март 2012 20:43

I think Sergey's approach makes sense. There is no reason to build redundant functionality in the backend. It will just take away from the time spent on fixing legitimate bugs and working on new features.

Maik's comments relate to ease of use for administrators which is really a secondary concern compared to the goals of the sites we are actually building using these tools! It is not unacceptable, it is simple "a nice to have". I vote for this be scheduled as a feature request and not as a bug. Thank you for your time.

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