switchblade1984 VIP
Total posts: 132
01 Янв 2014 12:41

I been trying to troubleshoot this issue for a while. When I try to upload photos I took with my Nikon camera the uploads stop at around 97% 98% 99%. I thought it had something to do with the Metadata of the images so i removed them and it still has the same issue. The images are 4608X2592 at around 4 MB each. I have the limit set to 10 MB per image.

Any ideas? I am using the latest Gallery v.8.68.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

switchblade1984 VIP
Total posts: 132
01 Янв 2014 14:47

Oh I see the problem.

I left this perimeter at default and my Images where huge.

Process Original

If uploaded image is bigger than this size, it will be resized according this parameters and stored as original image

Original width (px)

Original height (px)

Show download all button


Works now.

switchblade1984 VIP
Total posts: 132
01 Янв 2014 15:13

Now a new problem, after uploaded all the photos, saved I can not view the record, the page is white.

switchblade1984 VIP
Total posts: 132
01 Янв 2014 22:31

I did, there was nothing.

Total posts: 13,748
02 Янв 2014 01:14

Look page source. Sometimes error text inside HTML tag and invisible. Try also to see error log.

switchblade1984 VIP
Total posts: 132
02 Янв 2014 03:08

The Page Source is empty, the Generated Source says

Thats it.

switchblade1984 VIP
Total posts: 132
02 Янв 2014 03:10

Error log only shows about User Name password incorrect logs, nothing else.

switchblade1984 VIP
Total posts: 132
02 Янв 2014 03:15

Скрытый текст

Total posts: 13,748
06 Янв 2014 01:03

This is very weird.

I changed template and it works now. unfortunately I cannot find why.

YOu also have an error "Could not load field tmpl XML file" because you have folder tmpl in fields forder.

switchblade1984 VIP
Total posts: 132
09 Янв 2014 21:01

Oh, what template did you change? the sites? And also "because you have folder tmpl in fields forder. "

What do you mean?

Total posts: 13,748
09 Янв 2014 23:51

I do not remember already what I did with template.

But if you go to /components/com_cobalt/fields you will see folder there named "tmpl". Probably you placed it there to backup something. But cobalt fetch this directory to analyze fields and this folder is not recognized as a field.

switchblade1984 VIP
Total posts: 132
10 Янв 2014 00:03

Thanks I got rid of that error but my Blank posts when I upload my Images is still present. I am sorry I didn't leave you with a proper example last time, this time in the Test post I uploaded the images that wont load. I don't understand because i even went the extra mile of saving each image for web export in photoshop to get rid of all the Meta stuff.


Total posts: 1,113
10 Янв 2014 05:26

You have very big files, and application has not enough memory to resize so big files.

I add in index.php this line to increase memory

ini_set("memory_limit", "256M");

And also I set small thumbnails size for full view.

switchblade1984 VIP
Total posts: 132
12 Янв 2014 20:27

Thank you so much, I didn't realize how much memory it would use to display such images. Thanks again!

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