klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
28 Апр 2015 12:01


let's say we add 3 records to compare (limit is 3). Then we go to compare view and want to remove 1 record from compare. Where mus I look to find remove icon. Because if I want to add 4 record it says:

"You may add not more than 3 articles to compare. In order to add this article you have to go to compare view and delete one of the already added articles."

So based on this text there must be option to delete only 1 article from compare view. Acctually it would also be great if you could remove them from records list. Now if you click on compare icon it goes away. Instead it could change to remove record icon from compare.


Последние изменения: 30 Апр 2015

Метки Cobalt 9

Total posts: 13,748
30 Апр 2015 12:42

Yes, that is true. There is no way to delete only one record from compare view. You have to clean all cart.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
30 Апр 2015 19:28

klox7 So based on this text there must be option to delete only 1 article from compare view.


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