klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
09 Апр 2015 10:33


I don't know if it's possible to do it with Cobalt but if not module for recommendations or content filtering based on what user viewed would be great addition to Cobalt. Something like many online stores have. Options colud be "most viewed at the moment (limit to last 1,3,7,... days)", "recommended for you" and "you recently viewed".

Nosto is good example of recommendation engine that does good job but it's for online stores.


Последние изменения: 26 Апр 2015

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
09 Апр 2015 22:44

Hello klox7,

I think most of it can be achieved with Records field. Although it is "limited" to record full view, it is most likely the location where you would place a module anyway.

Also the Records module got some new interesting parameters.

The date range is a nice idea.

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
10 Апр 2015 08:28


pepperstreet I think most of it can be achieved with Records field.

Oh, great, never used records field so let's give it a try.

pepperstreet it is most likely the location where you would place a module anyway.

Homepage would also be nice so user have some personalised guidance on what to view. Records field options should also be in records module.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
10 Апр 2015 23:15

klox7 Records field options should also be in records module.

Agree. I have made similar requests and comments in the past ;) Some things have been improved and added.

I guess, the field has more options because of performance, better context and the accessible data i.e. author, viewer and current record fields.

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
22 Апр 2015 15:36

Do you think I could do this with "Render an individual field"? Like put it in module but on the same page as record?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
22 Апр 2015 23:09

klox7 Do you think I could do this with "Render an individual field"? Like put it in module but on the same page as record?

Sorry? (lost in translation)

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
23 Апр 2015 01:51

klox7 Do you think I could do this with "Render an individual field"? Like put it in module but on the same page as record?

Yes you can render an individual field in a module.

  1. Create a custom record template to mimic the module positions of your site template.
  2. Use NoNumber's ReReplacer

Using NN ReReplacer

  1. Create two replacement rules

Search: \{moduletext\}(.*?)\{/moduletext\}(.*?)\{placeholdertext\} Replace: \2\1 moduletext

Search: {placeholdertext} Replace: Leave this empty placeholdertext

  1. In your record template: insert the fields to show in the module between the {moduletext} and {/moduletext} tags
    Your code here
  1. Create e new Custom HTML module and insert {placeholdertxt} in the html area.
  2. Assign a template position to this module.
  3. Done!

One minor drawback though. You can't use module positions that are assigned before the main component position.

So if you have a sidebar-left position or a main-top position which are rendered before the main component position, you can't use those.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
26 Апр 2015 00:20

klox7 Do you think I could do this with "Render an individual field"? Like put it in module but on the same page as record?

Are you talking about layout? You want to position the Records field in a sidebar position?

Since you are on a record full view, I would recommend to build a custom record template:
Just add your custom column(s)...
Place/call your specific field(s)...
Remember to unset them from the ususal field loop, if you still use it.

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
26 Апр 2015 10:33

pepperstreet Are you talking about layout? You want to position the Records field in a sidebar position?


Jeff One minor drawback though. You can't use module positions that are assigned before the main component position.

Exactly my situation.

You 2 thanks for suggestions but since I'm already near production I won't change my code at the moment.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
26 Апр 2015 20:47

klox7 I'm already near production I won't change my code at the moment.

Don't know your site and record page layout... but you could also achieve a different positioning and look with pure CSS. i.e. set record field position to "absolute" top and left/right etc.

Not best practice, but sometimes useful.

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