klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
09 Март 2015 18:56


since I can't find this option in parameters I'm corious if I can use specific record list view template for specific access level? In other words can I have in switch templates 2 templates for public and one template for special?


Последние изменения: 10 Март 2015

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
10 Март 2015 04:18

klox7 I can't find this option in parameters

Not available. There is only a parameter for display in general. I am not sure you can alter the output before the entire switcher is displayed.

I remember, I have asked Sergey about the Switcher and how it works. I wanted to call a specific template.
Maybe that info helps you to create "separate URLs", which you could use in your template, or even create regular MenuItems with ACL settings. Actually you are going to create a variant of "pre-filtered links".

See last comments in this topic.

Total posts: 13,748
10 Март 2015 05:43

You can do that in custom markup template.

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