klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
09 Сен 2014 10:51


it seems that after update autocomplete for geo field stopped working.


Последние изменения: 12 Сен 2014

Total posts: 13,748
11 Сен 2014 01:08

For geo field stoped working does not say anything. What in particular not working.

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
12 Сен 2014 08:43

Sergey What in particular not working.

As I said, autocomplete (above map) and also I couldn't manually add marker position.

But after update to v.8.583 everything is fine.

Total posts: 13,748
12 Сен 2014 09:36

Good :)

Работает на Cobalt