klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
14 Июль 2014 09:31

I need to add images title and/or description in gallery output. I'm using full-galleria.io.php as full gallery template. Possible?

Последние изменения: 20 Авг 2014

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Total posts: 13,748
14 Июль 2014 23:57

If this script can do that, you can add this in output template. Or use bxslide. Just recently I confirmed it displays image titles.

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
16 Июль 2014 15:20

Isn't image description part of Cobalt API?

Total posts: 13,748
17 Июль 2014 00:42

What do you mean? What API?

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
17 Июль 2014 07:20

Wrong question. I mean galeria.io.php is included as gallery output template for Cobalt. But it's just template and displaying image values (title, description - in upload window) isn't tied to galeria.io. So I have to know how to display image title and description for every gallery template.

Total posts: 13,748
18 Июль 2014 01:45

klox7 isn't tied to galeria.io.

What do you mean?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
18 Июль 2014 02:32

Custom Title and Description from gallery upload list is not displayed. Neither by BXslider, nor Galleria.io.

Did not have a look in templates, yet... maybe it is used, but not activated by the gallery options?

Bildschirmfoto 2014-07-18 um 04.01.52

Bildschirmfoto 2014-07-18 um 04.02.16

Only popup with LightBox2 script seems to fetch the "Title":


klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
18 Июль 2014 06:34

@pepperstreet Thank you for clearer explanation. So LightBox2 displays title. I will check the code.

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
23 Июль 2014 18:01

I think this is how image title is displayed in Lightbox

    $image = new JRegistry($this->value);
    echo $image->get('image_title');

But no success with this in gallery output.

Total posts: 13,748
24 Июль 2014 00:27

Not art all. $this->value should be an array of images.

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
20 Авг 2014 09:19

.htmlentities($file['title']) .htmlentities($file['description'])

inside foreach in gallery template.

Работает на Cobalt