klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
23 Июнь 2014 17:17

I have somehow managed to get filter behaviour as close as I want using multiple types and one section.

I have one section, 4 categories and every category has its own subcategories.

My parameters (the ones applying to filter) are:
Section -> Form -> Records mode -> Records in category and subcategory
Section -> Form -> Filtering mode -> Records of all section
Section -> General parametzers -> Show records at section homepage -> Show records submited to section root
Type -> Submission parameters -> Categories behaviour -> Allow section root submission -> No

When using those parameters filter module works in such a way that I can only choose Content types from select in filter. Which is great. Only after choosing Content type and clicking search I can filter other fields. Fields shown are based on selected Content type.

I'm using collapse filter template. The problems I'm facing:
If I choose one content type and click search results are filtered based on selected content type and fields in filter are also from this content type collapsed
If I choose again same content type and click search results are filtered based on selected content type and fields in filter are also from this content type but uncollapsed. This happens only for digits field.

How can I achieve that all other filters will be closed when choosing Content type and search?

Second, you should put something like onchange="this.form.submit() to content type selector so it will auto reload page and display filters from selected content type (avoid clicking search).

Последние изменения: 24 Июль 2014

Total posts: 13,748
24 Июнь 2014 00:49

klox7 Second, you should put something like onchange="this.form.submit() to content type selector so it will auto reload page and display filters from selected content type (avoid clicking search).

In your custom markup template you can add JS code that will do that.

klox7 If I choose one content type and click search results are filtered based on selected content type and fields in filter are also from this content type collapsed

If I choose again same content type and click search results are filtered based on selected content type and fields in filter are also from this content type but uncollapsed. This happens only for digits field.

How can I achieve that all other filters will be closed when choosing Content type and search?

Cannot get it. Collapsed means what? WHen you chose other content type all aother filters will be closed. But with the same type, how do we know if you just refresh the page or you want to reset all fileters of this type?

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
24 Июнь 2014 06:15

Sergey Collapsed means what?

Collapsed means that filters in module are closed (I'm using collapse filter module template).

Sergey WHen you chose other content type all aother filters will be closed.

Yes, if I select content type and click search I need all filters closed on reload.

Sergey But with the same type, how do we know if you just refresh the page or you want to reset all fileters of this type?

That's why I mentioned auto reload page when selecting content type (without click on search). In this case it doesn't give you the option select any other filter values. When you select content type it reloads the page and clears all filters except content type.

Total posts: 13,748
25 Июнь 2014 00:29

klox7 That's why I mentioned auto reload page when selecting content type (without click on search). In this case it doesn't give you the option select any other filter values.

Ершы is not very imple issue. There may be filter fields that a common for all types and user may want to select those also before page reload.

What you may do is to edit or create copy of the template and add on change ууте for type element with automatic form submission.

The problem with collapce may be becayuse of some JS error. PLease look into concole.

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
03 Июль 2014 09:22

Sergey The problem with collapce may be becayuse of some JS error. PLease look into concole.

There is no errors in console. I think that has something to do with auto populating values in digits field?

Can I add "choose type" as first option in filter types?

Total posts: 13,748
04 Июль 2014 00:42

It should be already first. Or you want to show the rest only after that filter is chosen?

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
04 Июль 2014 07:03

Sorry, I meant ---choose--- as first option in select of content type.

Total posts: 13,748
07 Июль 2014 01:52

klox7 Can I add "choose type" as first option in filter types?

I'll add it next release, right now simply change it to checkbox.

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
23 Июль 2014 18:17


klox7 Can I add "choose type" as first option in filter types?

I'll add it next release, right now simply change it to checkbox.

Was this added?

And I have another question regarding this. Can I make module filter types to corespond with category you are on (multiple types). So if I'm on Category1 and this category has Type1 can I makes it so that in filter module in types there will display Type1. Because other fields are displayed based on category. Why not Type?

Total posts: 13,748
24 Июль 2014 00:26

klox7 Was this added?

The select type in select.

klox7 So if I'm on Category1 and this category has Type1 can I makes it so that in filter module in types there will display Type1. Because other fields are displayed based on category. Why not Type?

It should displly type 1. But since your filter parameter through all section, it meфты that potentialy other type may be found also starting from any category.

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
24 Июль 2014 07:08


klox7 Was this added?

The select type in select.

If you added ---select type--- as first option in filter module for type?

Total posts: 13,748
24 Июль 2014 07:24

Yes. Should be there.

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