klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
20 Май 2014 12:13

I have 3 filters on my site. One is on home page, one is on the right side on my subpages and one is in records list (markup template). All filters have different layout (horizontal vs. vertical, different width, different height,...)

I would love to have a possibility to assign different field templates (ex. 3x checkbox or 2x checkbox 1 select) to each of this filters. For now we have two options, one for advanced filter in markup template and one for module (settings for both are in field).

So if I need checkboxes wrapped with span4 in markup template, span12 for one filter module and span3 for another than I have to do it with some css overrides or javascript replacments.

Is it possible to somehow enable or add parameters to module for this? Same as you select template for Content type or Users in filter module.

Последние изменения: 21 Май 2014

Total posts: 13,748
21 Май 2014 08:28

Actualy you cannot show the same field filters on the same page. Otherwise you will have JS errors. On the same page you either use module or advansed search in markp.

But you can create 2 different modules. In one module you can set parameter to show templates of markup and in the other modules templates of module.

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