stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
02 Янв 2014 09:00

Your Emerald 9 update states:

And on registration form user will be able to select plan, and after success user creation, he will be redirected to payment gateway. Even user account activation is not required. User can get subscription before confirm his account.

You say user account activation is not required, but can it be required using this process?

I mean, my ideal process would be a page in which user can select PLAN and register at the same time, pay for it, etc.

But only be able to login after e-mail confirmation, this is still possible?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
06 Янв 2014 00:03

You say user account activation is not required, but can it be required using this process?

This is what I meant. It does not matter what are your settings. Plan may be purchased and activated before user or admin activate his account. You may require email confirmation and this will still work.

You say user account activation is not required, but can it be required using this process?

I mean, my ideal process would be a page in which user can select PLAN and register at the same time, pay for it, etc.

But only be able to login after e-mail confirmation, this is still possible?


Only one remark. There is no API based payments in any payment plugin. All plugins works with buy now style which redirects user to payment gateway. There is no way to eneter CC or DC information on your site. Only select plan.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
06 Янв 2014 09:31


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