stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
27 Дек 2012 11:13


I saw one of your videos that the user menu does not appear on a dropdown menu, but side by side.

This is the video: ;list=PLB88FCCF99077A615&index=2

at minute 5:03 i see that is organized by tabs which is much better.

Does this template comes with C8 or is it possible with C7 as well ?


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
27 Дек 2012 21:23

This is fake tabs. I mean they looks like tabs but this is menu. Every tab is a link and require page reload.

And this is only for Cobalt 8 because first it is based on bootstrap and second personalisation was seriously changed including some logic.

Работает на Cobalt