stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
30 Нояб 2012 10:22


Cobalt Type by default has 2 fields, Title and Category.

Is it possible to change the label of the category, per each section ?

For ex:


Category -> labeled as "Type of service"


Category -> Maintain the label "Category"


Hide the Category on Section2 (making it like if did not exist). I want to know also if this is good practice using cobalt. All the records would be filtered using other fields and not categories.

But would it be any inconvenience doing this way? I'm saying this because of modules that may filter records by categorie and not by specific fields.


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
01 Дек 2012 16:21
  1. You can name/label your categories to your liking. Where do you have an issue with the label display?

  2. Hidden category: You can limit submission into a specific category. And don´t show the category index... Or submit directly into section root! With no category at all.

  3. Category vs. field: Good question! Not sure about any difference in performance. In general thats possible. You already mentioned, that you can´t use respective module parameters, and you can´t use category index or special submission limits. Click-2-filter might be the same user experience.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
01 Дек 2012 20:31

As mike already said, you can change the Label/Title of SECTION in the section parameters, under Templates -> Category Index -> Core -> Title.

If you have several SECTION, please create an individual template for each section. You can do this in the TEMPLATE section. (If you need more detailed instruction about this, let me know)

If you want to hide the category display, just set the category index template to "None".

Also check your settings under SECTION parameters for "Records mode" and Section home parameters to achieve exactly what you want, -- also check your TYPE submission settings.

To Maik's comment.

Yes a field can also work as a category "selector". If you want to display it instead of the existing category system then you will need a customized category index template. It might even have certain advantages, but for an easy start i would recommend the usage of the internal category system, since it provides you with a lot of options and it is part of the core cobalt functionality.

If you just want to get rid of the categories see options above.

Total posts: 13,748
01 Дек 2012 23:15

In addition to Maik and Sackgesicht

Hide the Category on Section2 (making it like if did not exist). I want to know also if this is good practice using cobalt. All the records would be filtered using other fields and not categories.

If you do not have categories in section at all, you also have to disable it in type parameters.

Hide the Category on Section2 (making it like if did not exist). I want to know also if this is good practice using cobalt. All the records would be filtered using other fields and not categories.

Is it possible to change the label of the category, per each section ?

There is also parameter in form template parameters if you want to change label on the form.

Total posts: 13,748
03 Дек 2012 23:25

To change label in filters you need to edit parameter in filter template.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
04 Дек 2012 10:09


Now looking at the screenshot i would also like to ask something.

I know that Google SERP will (or are giving) give more priority to websites wich have the Author tags in it's content. So it's not recomendable to disable the author. In my case the author will be the name of the company that inserts the record.

So my question is:

Changing the label "Author" to "Company" will affect how the users see the label, but in terms of code (what google bot see) it will be viewed as Author and not Company correct ?

Total posts: 13,748
04 Дек 2012 20:27

We do not use richsnippets in HTML formatting. It means that we do not tell google how to interpreter what it sees.

So my answer is: I have no idea how google will interpreter it ._.

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