stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
06 Май 2013 12:09


Just wanted to catch some ideas that some MintJoomla users might help me with.

As it is known to many Joomla users that visit JED regularly, the JOB extensions are not so abundant... i've visited most of them and i was not pleased with the results. Although there are modules for many things, i don't think they can addapt to my needs in the future... and it's thinking about the future (increase funcionalities) that most users choose Cobalt.

Most Job Extensions use "points" which is somewhat a credit for view listings (from the Company point of view).

A fact, job listings are not mostly "payable" by the users that post their resumee unless for a "featured resume"... thats the only payable thing i believe, since they won't pay for resume posting.

From the company (human resources company and companies that look for employers for them) it's quite reasonable to have subscription packages, but for example, job listings use the method (example):

Purchase 50 credits per 10$

View 1 resumee = 1 credit

I know Cobalt does not have this feature.

Having this said:

1 - Pay for feature the record on frontpage (Employee). As i've seen Cobalt hasn't this possibility yet? I mean, not referring to Emerald subscription but to a button on the record submit form to activate and procede to checkout.

A per-record feature.

2 - For companies (Employer), i believe the method is instead of using credits, to offer subscription (emerald) in which the company can use search but it limits all the search to 1 subscription.

If Cobalt had the feature "who can search by this field" it would be another scenario.

Cobalt&Emerald (for now) allows me to:

  • Limit download of resumes per subscription (so that a company can download all resumes during a period of time)
  • Limit the view of some fields per subscription
  • Hide the send-email button per subscription

For the economic viability, meaning which features i can use to offer to human resource companies for example, does anyone have any more idea?


Последние изменения: 07 Дек 2024

Total posts: 13,748
06 Май 2013 12:14

Purchase 50 credits per 10$

View 1 resumee = 1 credit

I know Cobalt does not have this feature.

If you find extension that can allow users to purchase JomSocial karma points, then Cobalt may subtract those points on different events. It can even add points. For example one who posted CV gets 50 points. And see company profile is -2 points.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
06 Май 2013 12:32

Something like this?

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
06 Май 2013 12:52

On Jomsocial Demo (Backend) i see nothing mentioned of viewing records deducting points so i believe it's Cobalt interaction.

So Cobalt Jomsocial integration plugin allows me deduct karma points by simply viewing records ? Does this apply to all records or i can limit to records from a specific section?

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
07 Май 2013 08:32

It really is a pitty, there are so many advantages with an event management component... it really is a pitty that only alphauserpoints exist and no competition.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
07 Май 2013 08:35

Custom read article for AUP 1.6.x and 1.7.x and 1.8.x

(available for Joomla 1.6.x to 2.5.x)

This plugin for AlphaUserPoints 1.6 assigns or remove points on any view content (com_content or any component using the content plugin onPrepareContent of Joomla!). Just add the tag {AUP::CONTENT=XXX} in your content and where XXX is the number of points, you can use positive or negative values. This allows to attribs different amount of points on different articles.

Still J2.5 which i must say, it really sucks nowadays... anyway, does Cobalt use the plugin onPrepareContent?

Total posts: 13,748
07 Май 2013 10:16

So Cobalt Jomsocial integration plugin allows me deduct karma points by simply viewing records ? Does this apply to all records or i can limit to records from a specific section?

In section settings you have karma setting. You might use negative values there.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
16 Май 2013 15:11

On C8 Section events there is no option to give/take karma by viewing records.

And even if exist, there is no possibility to limit what the user can do based on the karma points. So if a user is 0 points he cannot view records on a specific section.

Total posts: 13,748
17 Май 2013 01:35

I added view event to next version.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
17 Май 2013 10:34


Let's hope there are alternatives to AUP in the future
Total posts: 1
07 Дек 2024 11:39

Cobalt offers a wide range of job listings that could provide potential opportunities across various industries. There are positions available that may align with your skills and experience, offering the possibility of joining a dynamic team. Additionally, some roles may require candidates to submit an online application police clearance, which could be part of the recruitment process. This could be a chance for you to explore new career paths while ensuring all necessary documentation is in order for consideration.

Работает на Cobalt