stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
17 Янв 2013 17:48

1 - You say that e-mail field can be used to send out notifications, but Cobalt users that have "public can post records" the e-mail field could have option to set it as unique.

Joomla has that feature, 1 e-mail per user.

If i set "public can post records" but i want to allow only 1 record per someone that is not registered threw Joomla (ex: bussiness listings). This "unique" feature would help the fact that the administrator doesn't have to:

  • acess backoffice
  • Go to a record to approve
  • check if the e-mail is already on the database
  • go back to the record and approve if e-mail does not exist

    2 - I believe it was already mentioned in this forum that an sql option would be great in most fields. For inserting data into fields and to write data into other tables threw querys... specially the jos_user table.

The basic is something like "register and add record" on a single form. If the field e-mail would allow to execute sql queries i could create an username field and insert the value in jos_user table.

Password field could allow to insert data into jos_user table, also allowing an adittional "verify password" field.

3 - An sql field to retrieve data from a specific table and display it like a type_of_field (checkboxes, dropdown, multi-select, etc).

This would allow for example, that in the same form appear Register fields and then Cobalt Type:

from jos_user table



Select your language:

Cobalt Type

But also complete interaction with every component. Not so user-friendly but possible with few troubles.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
17 Янв 2013 23:34

2) see STATUS field with its SQL Actions

3) is already implemented.. see fields SELECT, RADIO, MULTIPLE SELECT, CHECKBOX

Total posts: 13,748
21 Янв 2013 00:41

If i set "public can post records" but i want to allow only 1 record per someone that is not registered threw Joomla (ex: bussiness listings). This "unique" feature would help the fact that the administrator doesn't have to:

Right now I am helping some people to setup business listing. And we found out that to allow only one listing per user is useless restriction. Some have few companies. Or few branches and the want to list it as separate business listings to get it on the map in all places.

We found that to force user to create new account for the reason just to add another listing, and the later login and logoff just to manage it, detract users from using this service and not really practical.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
22 Янв 2013 07:31

2) see STATUS field with its SQL Actions

3) is already implemented.. see fields SELECT, RADIO, MULTIPLE SELECT, CHECKBOX

Would be cool to collect some Joomla specific SQLs in the knowledge base area. Searched the net for something similar, but nothing was Joomla related.

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