1 - Record user searchs. I already suggested this in this topic, just making a point to remember.
If decreases Cobalt performance very deeply, then i would not consider it an idea at least for now. Or have option to enable/disable and each user decides what to do best.
2 - Geomap module - ability to specify from which fields to retrieve the location.
I was told that the multi-level select was designed for country-state-city but the map module has it's own country-state-city fields... this makes the user fill the info 2 times.
2.1 - Ability to strip specific characters from adress field.
In my language there's a character that defines the "th" used in English. So inserting "Fivth Avenue 25 5th floor" retrieves the correct information on Google Maps. But in Portuguese is "Fivth Avenue 25 5º floor"... that "º" after number 5 makes Google Map go crazy and does not retrieve any location, just an error. Don't know if in any other language is used but it could avoid some incompatibility.
2.3 - Have an option on the backend:
Allow user to disable Google Map
- Yes
- No
There are maybe some kind of business that don't require or don't want to show geomap location because of privacy issues.
Although i believe this option should be section-related and not field-related. Because we can have 2 sections and set yes to force google map module to show up and another section allowing the user to choose if they want the module to show up in their record.
3 - Search module.
Although Cobalt search is very nice, it can have lots of fields to search. The user has to press "advanced search" so that the fields show up. Performing another search has to click again... fill the fields and so on.
It can be upsetting if more then 3 searchs are made.. so i believe it would be a nice adittion the fact that the search could be integrated into a module and that the search options would stay activated and remembered from the last search.
If using AJAX, then WOW.. very nice.. records displaying as we fill the search.
example of the "remembered" feature: i search for bmw and when search results appear, bmw stills remains activated.
1 - Record user searchs. I already suggested this in this topic, just making a point to remember.
If decreases Cobalt performance very deeply, then i would not consider it an idea at least for now. Or have option to enable/disable and each user decides what to do best.
2 - Geomap module - ability to specify from which fields to retrieve the location.
I was told that the multi-level select was designed for country-state-city but the map module has it's own country-state-city fields... this makes the user fill the info 2 times.
2.1 - Ability to strip specific characters from adress field.
In my language there's a character that defines the "th" used in English. So inserting "Fivth Avenue 25 5th floor" retrieves the correct information on Google Maps. But in Portuguese is "Fivth Avenue 25 5º floor"... that "º" after number 5 makes Google Map go crazy and does not retrieve any location, just an error. Don't know if in any other language is used but it could avoid some incompatibility.
2.3 - Have an option on the backend:
Allow user to disable Google Map - Yes - No
There are maybe some kind of business that don't require or don't want to show geomap location because of privacy issues.
Although i believe this option should be section-related and not field-related. Because we can have 2 sections and set yes to force google map module to show up and another section allowing the user to choose if they want the module to show up in their record.
3 - Search module.
Although Cobalt search is very nice, it can have lots of fields to search. The user has to press "advanced search" so that the fields show up. Performing another search has to click again... fill the fields and so on.
It can be upsetting if more then 3 searchs are made.. so i believe it would be a nice adittion the fact that the search could be integrated into a module and that the search options would stay activated and remembered from the last search.
If using AJAX, then WOW.. very nice.. records displaying as we fill the search.
example of the "remembered" feature: i search for bmw and when search results appear, bmw stills remains activated.