stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
28 Дек 2012 08:44

1 - Record user searchs. I already suggested this in this topic, just making a point to remember.

If decreases Cobalt performance very deeply, then i would not consider it an idea at least for now. Or have option to enable/disable and each user decides what to do best.

2 - Geomap module - ability to specify from which fields to retrieve the location.

I was told that the multi-level select was designed for country-state-city but the map module has it's own country-state-city fields... this makes the user fill the info 2 times.

2.1 - Ability to strip specific characters from adress field.

In my language there's a character that defines the "th" used in English. So inserting "Fivth Avenue 25 5th floor" retrieves the correct information on Google Maps. But in Portuguese is "Fivth Avenue 25 5º floor"... that "º" after number 5 makes Google Map go crazy and does not retrieve any location, just an error. Don't know if in any other language is used but it could avoid some incompatibility.

2.3 - Have an option on the backend:

Allow user to disable Google Map - Yes - No

There are maybe some kind of business that don't require or don't want to show geomap location because of privacy issues.

Although i believe this option should be section-related and not field-related. Because we can have 2 sections and set yes to force google map module to show up and another section allowing the user to choose if they want the module to show up in their record.

3 - Search module.

Although Cobalt search is very nice, it can have lots of fields to search. The user has to press "advanced search" so that the fields show up. Performing another search has to click again... fill the fields and so on.

It can be upsetting if more then 3 searchs are made.. so i believe it would be a nice adittion the fact that the search could be integrated into a module and that the search options would stay activated and remembered from the last search.

If using AJAX, then WOW.. very nice.. records displaying as we fill the search.

example of the "remembered" feature: i search for bmw and when search results appear, bmw stills remains activated.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
28 Дек 2012 11:49

2) No need to fill in 2 times. You can disable it in Geo field ... :D


3) Hmm ...??? The search remembers the last settings. Even if you come back from another category. To add another filter, you dont need to select the other filter settings again, they will stay until you deselect them individually or reset the whole setting.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
28 Дек 2012 11:58

2) i know i can disable it, but if disabled the geomap will retrieve the location from which fields? that's my point.

3) ok if it already remembers, but the main subject is search in a module, making it always visible and not taking too much space from the main component.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
28 Дек 2012 12:11

to 2) Maybe i dont understand it properly. If you want a Country-State-City solution and you have the geo field, why do you want to encode the location information into an extra multiLevelSelect field?

Just encode everything into the geo field. It has its own included "MultiLevelSelect" for this purpose.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
28 Дек 2012 12:25

2) Hmmm so your saying that the geomap field with fields country-state-city enabled has the following options:

1 - i select country Brasil and the state field only shows states from Brasil... is that correct? The same applying to all other countries.

2 - After selecting country Brasil and a state from that country, the city field only shows cities from the state i selected, correct? The same applying to all other states.

If this is the way geomap field acts, it's a new version or the version for C7 acts the same?


stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
28 Дек 2012 12:27

I'm asking this because on the demo (i will be purchasing the subscription tomorrow) the fields shows up as text and not a select field.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
28 Дек 2012 13:20

I added some screenshots to clarify.

Under the normal input template (which can be changed), you type in the address. The geo field will then put the marker on the map.

When you use the filter, the info will be presented through a "MultiLevelSelect" field.

The screenshots are from the C7 version. As stated in the comments to the latest Blog post, "Geo field" might undergo quite some improvements next week. :D

It would be good to have the geo-field, so your comments might go into the further development of this field next week.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
28 Дек 2012 13:26

Hmmmm i see what you mean... but where does Cobalt retrieves that information (selecting Brasil, shows up rio de janeiro and sao paulo)? As i said i will be downloading the field and test tomorrow and get back to you!

Thanks for all the help

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
28 Дек 2012 13:52

You have to see that the geo field holds information from several input fields. In the example above, i encoded 2 location. Example Company1 in Sao Paulo and Company2 in Rio de Janeiro. Then when i click the advanced filter, it will show me first the Country select box. I choose Brazil and then the second select box (Town) will show up with possible towns from Brazil. If i would have encoded the respective States (example Pernambuco and as Town Recife) it would also give the State select box to filter.

For the new improvements i will suggest also the import of ready available geo databases into the geo field. I actually used it around 3 years ago with a customized field for Mighty Resources already. :D

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
28 Дек 2012 14:24

Ah so it "remembers" the info from that field, that was already inserted previously on other records.

So that's a problem.. you see.. many Brasilians (i believe more then 40%) have serious problems when it comes to correct writing of the Portuguese language. If a user inserts Rio de Janeiro and another one inserts Rio de Janiero (notice the incorrect writing) it will show up both of them...

That's the problem with text fields, any person can insert what they want even if incorrect... and suggesting incorrect grammar it's even worse...

That's why the multi-level select is good, the user is not allowed to insert incorrect values. And that's why the Geo field should allow to retrieve the location from specific fields, because it could retrieve the location from the multi-level select and another field (the adress).

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
28 Дек 2012 14:25

that 40 with the smile, its 40 percent... dont know why the hell the smile came up.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
28 Дек 2012 14:45


Out of this reason i mentioned the possibility to adjust it through a different "input template". Because of this i used earlier a predefined database, which i imported into a customized Resources field.

Things like this can be achieved with the geo field. It just needs to be brought to the attention of MintJoomla. A new support topic for the next "Field of the week" :D would be a nice place to consolidate all this ideas to get a much better field at the end.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
28 Дек 2012 15:40

I've edited the original post to insert another idea on the adress field. Hope it makes it.

Total posts: 13,748
30 Дек 2012 05:44

3) Filters module is available for download.

Also I am thinking of new markup template where all filters fill be always visible. May be middle of next month.

2) First you need to understand that Marker map point in the record list template is only from pam input. It means that if user has entered address but did not pointed location, listing will not appear on he map. There is no connection between entered address and and marker on the map unless you set your map marker based on address.

We will advance geo field address entering. Right now we are in the process fo discussion how it should work and your opinion on this is very valuable and right on time.

1) User search log is a good idea. I added it to task list but unfortunately right now there are many higher priority tasks and not small one. It will be done as soon as we have time.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
31 Дек 2012 11:18

3 - Thanks, to be honest i didn't noticed it was released... though i can't install it at the moment since is only C8. You have some modules with absolutely no description (i know some of them don't need a description) but some screenshots would be nice :)

2 - I will be testing the map module and get back to u soon

1 - Yes i believe it's not a priority, just a nice feature for admins but at the moment it makes sense to give more priority to site functionality.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
31 Дек 2012 12:19

2 - Well, i see that the map only shows up when i press the button to set the mark. I believe it's not a big deal... but there a few small things:

2.1 - It's nice to have contacts near the map, but the fact that those options are there... they limit what Emerald can do. So i believe that i cannot set Emerald to hide the Telephone without hiding everything else on the contacts.

This makes Emerald users just use the map and create the other fields one by one. Just a though.

2.2 - This is a minor point, just an idea. If we use Cobalt to display listings and have the website of the record without encoding, anyone can just copy the link and insert it on the browser adress, making no use of the referral.

I'm not sure about this point but i believe it would be helpfull to encode links (or have option to encode). Instead of hovering the link and showing " " show something like " http://mysite/23juh37f48r489434845hf "

This also comes to mind the option URL Follow used by the bots. I'm not sure if this is actually an advantage or not.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
31 Дек 2012 12:38

2.3 - I forgot.. there should be a field named "click to show complete" or something like that. It's a field to prevent bots from harvesting contacts data.

I know you have the password field but it's replaces bullets by the numbers which is not much convenient.

Many websites use it.

It should show something like:

Telephone: 217--------- Press here to show complete

the dashes means hidden area...!

the encoded links also would solve harvesting contact data like the website field, facebook and so on.

Total posts: 13,748
01 Янв 2013 00:27

though i can't install it at the moment since is only C8.

This is strange. You are in Cobalt 8 forum discussion. SO I thought you have Cobalt 8 installed :)

2,1 - right but there is way around. You can disable telephone and add it as separate field.

though i can't install it at the moment since is only C8.

This also comes to mind the option URL Follow used by the bots. I'm not sure if this is actually an advantage or not.

It is already prohibited to follow by default.

2.3 - I'll try do something to protect date harvesting.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
02 Янв 2013 08:23

2.1 Well i'm using C7 for a Landing page, it's just a page saying that the website is going live soon but already allows to insert records and the user gets advantage of inserting the record and pressing the LIKE button from facebook (some of them will get free subscriptions).

This way we can increase record insert and facebook members and get some clients to know what we will offer and save some work of inserting records, at the same time.

But if Emerald 9 does take 3 month to come out i believe i will work with C8 because i don't believe i will get it ready and done by the end of that period.

This are mostly requests for fields, and i believed it would be convenient to make it to C8 because i will use it.

2.3 Thanks

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