stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
14 Дек 2012 09:04


1 - "Facebook and Twitter integrations. Main idea is content restriction.

Something like "Twit to read full article" or "Like to download file".

This awesome feature suggested by Maik Kaune, will help you to promote

your site quickly and efficiently."

Will this include "LIKE to insert record" ?

2 - "We will integrate with RocketSprocket and create basic template overrides for RocketThemes."

Does this means that we will be able to create a sprocket module that display Cobalt records using ajax ?

Also, sprocket in my opinion has a "glitch" which is the fact that the content is filtered by tags. If many tags are created, the layout is broken due to lack of space to display them all, side by side. This could be avoided if there where dropdown boxes.

3 - If not in Cobalt 8, would love to see implemented the search module. Imagine that a user performs an advanced search, he has to press the advanced search again to make another search. If in a module, there would be no need to do that.

Is this feature "on the table" or does Mintjoomla not consider it a priority ?


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Работает на Cobalt