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Date field allow user to enter date to start subscription and how many days. Plan price will be multiplied by number of days.

6+ months ago

This field allow to attach coupon/serial/certificate/voucher number to subscription. FOr example you sell DVD Video Tutorials that are protected by serial number. And you generate number of those numbers and you want every user to get his unique number.

Or you have shopping cart, and if user purchased subscription, you want to give him a coupon number or gift sertificate that he can use in your shop to get discount.

6+ months ago

This field allows you to sell additional products or services along with your plan. Example you sell Plan A ($50) which is online course and for additional $5 you can send in on DVD, and for additional $15 you can provide 3 hours personal trainings.

6+ months ago

This field allows you to sell another plan for lower price. So only bundeled with current purchase user can get a discount.

6+ months ago
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