Mighty MassMail

Mighty MassMail allows to organize mass mailing to registered users. Mighty MassMail is taking articles from core Joomla or MightyResources. Integrated with all Mighty components it gets more advanced options to filter users to send newsletters.

See How Easy It Is

MightyMassMail uses Joomla´s core content to create newsletters. With this component you can choose different content items from different categories (one or few) to send to your customers. This approach has 3 main advantages.

  • You can have hidden categories where you store your newsletters and remember them
  • You can use only one article to send a newsletter and change it on every send
  • You can publish a link on front-end to the newsletter category and create a news letter history as a blog to read for those who have missed that
  • You may automatically include different articles from different sections. For example: one from News, one from FAQ, one from Reports etc. This helps to create site news summary quicker

Filters Integrations

MightyMassMail can apply filters for every newsletter. All filters work as plug-ins. That means you can even create your own filters.

Example is:

  • Send letter to only those who have checked "Subscribed to news letter" check-box on registration
  • Send newsletter to all "Gold Member" subscribers
  • Send letter to only authors in blog.
 MightyResources Lots of filter variations. It includes interrelation between authors, sections, types, field values...
MightyMembership Send letters to subscribers of a particular plan
 MightyInvoice Send letters to those who purchase a particular bill
MightyRegistration Send letters based on the values of registration fields

Complete Features list

  • Set subject
  • Append and prep-end text before send
  • Edit dynamically formed letter text
  • Set format (text / html)
  • Set filters
  • Set Sending parameters
  • Mail Newsletters to unlimited number of users
  • Recurring mass mailing - the same newsletter can be sent multiple amount of times
  • Options for every newsletter can be configured individually
  • Calculation of newsletter efficiency. Analyze which links the users have clicked in the newsletter
  • Set Mass Mail speed (For example: you can send 10 letters every 10 minutes. This helps to avoid spam problems)
  • Send newsletters automatically and assign their respective dates
  • Attach file to newsletter.


# Файл Просмотров Размер
1 plg_massmail_filter_bill v.1.1.zip 1734 2 Kb
2 plg_jsmassmail.v.1.9.5.zip 1744 4 Kb
3 plg_massmail_filter_jcs v.1.1.zip 1638 2 Kb
4 plg_massmail_filter_juser.v.1.4.zip 1708 4 Kb
5 com_jsmassmail.v.1.9.4.Build.6372.zip 1711 59 Kb
6 plg_massmail_filter_resource v.1.2.zip 1760 2 Kb
Работает на Cobalt